The music blasted through the speakers, and I set the last practice dummies up in the gym. I’d thought the house out in the suburbs had been grand, but Atticus’ place in the city was more impressive, in my opinion. Maybe it was the modern feel to it or the fact he had a whole building that made it stand out more with floors devoted to different activities. But I enjoyed the amount of time I spent here.

Atticus had held up his end of the deal and proved he wasn’t like Delgado. It gave me hope that other people could be different too. Maybe I’d only been around the wrong people my whole life or only chose to see people that way. Whatever it was, it was nice to know people weren’t all bad. He’d given me a room here, but other than keeping some clothes to change into after working out, I hadn’t done anything with it.

I still had the dogs to look after, and I knew if I got too comfortable, then I’d lose myself, allowing someone else to do everything for me instead of earning it. In the past, I would’ve been all for that. I felt owed for the life I had to live, the right to be given things easier, but it had only ever ended in disaster. My vow to be better was a reminder on my heart to push forward through the pain and earn it this time. Change wasn’t easy, but I wanted to work for it.

I knew their trust was worth it.

Atticus had been appreciative of me informing him of Loren’s encounter the night she ran into me. He still hadn’t told me everything, but being around the family and fighting in the underground rings, I’d picked up on things. There wasn’t any love lost between the Delgados and the Mascros. What I’d pieced together from overheard conversations, what he’d done to Imogen was reprehensible. It seemed I’d finally picked the right side. My life was changing, and I was in charge of its direction for once. Fighting had always been an escape and outlet, but it was becoming my life force now.

I could finally make something of myself.

Funny, it was going to be with my fists since they’d always gotten me in trouble as a youth.

The door squeaked, and I looked over my shoulder to see who it was. Atticus had asked to speak to Loren before we started, so I assumed the noise wouldn’t be her yet. So, when I caught sight of her, I hadn’t been prepared for how beautiful she would look, catching me off guard and stopping in my tracks. Swallowing, I greeted Sax, who took up a stance against the wall. He eyed me but didn’t show any other emotion, content to watch from his post.

“Hey, Kitten. You scared to be alone with me now?” I teased, turning to face her. Crossing my arms, I smirked as she approached. Her hips swayed, and I wanted to put my hands on them so badly. This was going to be more challenging than before, and I briefly berated myself for suggesting this. Still, the thought of her being unprepared or in a similar situation again propelled me to tuck my lust away.

“Oh,” she turned, noticing Sax hadn’t left, her face heating up, “um, it’s not a problem, is it? I can tell him to go away. I think he’s just curious.” She fumbled for her words, and I found it endearing. Smiling an honest smile, I shook my head, dropping my arms and walking closer, my body language open as I approached. When I was near, I bent down, whispering in her ear, unable to help myself.

“Guess we’ll have to keep the extracurricular training for later.”

I didn’t miss how her skin raised in goosebumps, but I kept walking, picking up the last cone and placing it where I wanted. She followed, a question now on her face. “Extracurricular?”

“Well, I figured you didn’t want me to say out loud in front of your wall partner there how much you like to be held up against them.”

She stopped, shock on her face before she recovered, a smirk forming. “Oh, he knows, seeing as he fucked me up against one last night.” Kitten sauntered over to the bench, placing her bottle of water and towel down. When she spun around, she winked and started to wrap her hands.

Chuckling, I broke my frozen stance and walked over. “Kitten, you never cease to surprise me. I think it’s my favorite thing about you.”

“You have things you like about me? Enough to list them?”

She looked at me with disbelief, her nose wrinkled as she stopped with her hands midair. Walking forward, I took the material and finished the one she had left to do, tucking the fabric in. “There are so many things I like about you, Kitten. It was just my stubborn ass keeping me from admitting it before.”

“And now?”

“Now, I hope to show you I might be more than, what did you call me, surly?”

“Yeah, that was one of them,” she grumbled.

Smirking, I moved in closer, not able to help myself. “Oh, there were more?”

“Mm-hm, but I don’t think you’ve earned the right to know yet.”

“Fair enough, Kitten. Well, I hope to show you that I can, that I want to. I’m not going to be nice like Monroe, he’s one of a kind, but I’ll try not to be such a brooding asshole all the time.”

“I kind of like the asshole.” She grinned softly, and something passed between us.

“Good, because he kind of likes you too. Now, let’s get to work. I need your help with Fort, and I doubt he’s gonna manage where he is for long before he’s causing trouble.” Dropping her hands, I watched as her grin spread, lighting up her whole face. Her eyes weren’t as sad anymore, and the strength she used to muster with me seemed to be more prominent now, not just bursting out of her when she’d had enough. Loren was emerging, and I found it enchanting to watch.

“Fort’s here?”

“Yep, and he’s been a complete nuisance since you left. I was desperate, so I brought him with me. Let me tell you, the drive, not fun.”

She jumped up a little, clapping in her excitement. “Oh, I can’t wait. Come on, let’s do this.” Kitten took off in a jog, warming up her muscles, and I watched as the giant tracked her every move. I’d need to be careful not to catch his ire. I wouldn’t want to be hit by his fist for crossing any lines. I didn’t know the status of her relationships, and perhaps I was too late to be a contender.

I didn’t want to think that way, but it was a possibility. I knew I couldn’t only change in hopes of getting to be with her. I wanted to be a better person for me too, without the caveat of her as a reward. Loren made me want to be better because she deserved it and spurred me to believe I could. If I were only her trainer and occasional friend, then I would learn to accept it.

“Okay, punches first.”