She winked before getting serious. “You’ll be okay if I go have some fun? Cami and Stacy are right over there.” She motioned behind me, and I turned and looked. They were at a table, two guys chatting them up as they drank.

“Yeah, I’ll be fine.”

“Okay, thanks, babe. Explore some of the rooms, and if you decide to go home with someone, just text one of us, so we know, okay?”

Scoffing, I rolled my eyes, nodding. “I’m not going to go home with anyone, but yes, Mom. I will. The same goes for you, missy.”

“Ah, Lor, you’re so cute when you try to be bossy.”

I didn’t get a chance to answer as Byron sat my drink down in front of me and nodded to Nat. No words were exchanged as they walked off, heading to a room around the corner. It made me think about what it must be like to work in a place like this.

Grabbing my drink, I decided to explore the area, my curiosity getting the best of me and not feeling like being the odd woman out with Stacy and Cam. It was strange to see everyone dressed in provocative clothing, or some not dressed at all, and yet, no sexual behavior was occurring. If you put everyone in clothes, it would seem like a typical bar. Music played, and conversations took place all around me. Everyone was just in their underwear. It was an odd sight, but I started to understand the concept of Verity. If your body was open, with no barriers, then perhaps it made it easier to drop other walls as well.

If you couldn’t hide behind your clothes, who were you underneath them?

As I approached the first door, I found a word on it, Reality, and a window to the left. There was a bench below it, and some people stood around watching whatever was inside. Walking closer, I peeked inside and was surprised by what I found.

Men and women wore VR Headsets as they mingled. There was a large screen on the opposing wall where you could see I assumed what their headsets were projecting. Everyone was a different character on the screen to who they were standing in the room. One woman looked to be a 10ft green lizard woman, and another man was a blue alien with two penises and a tail. One of the guests noticed me watching, a curious look on my face, and took mercy on my cluelessness.

“Tonight it’s a virtual reality room where people can explore being any type of person, creature, or imaginary being they want. Sometimes we feel stronger or sexier being an alien, or want to explore what that would be like. This way, you can meet others who might feel the same way. Essentially, it’s a role-play room, and each night has a different theme.”

“Huh, that’s kind of interesting,” I mused, the thought of being someone else kind of appealing.

“First time?”

“Yeah, is it obvious?” I cringed.

“A little,” he laughed. “But it’s not a bad thing. You should walk around and check out all the rooms. Find one that fits you.”

Nodding, I finally took my eyes away from the screen to look at him. “Thanks.” He was a gorgeous man, but nothing sparked to life as I took him in and found myself blushing when I realized he was very naked and very hard.

People were naked, Lor! Get over it! Don’t be a prude!

“I’m going to go explore. Thanks again for the explanation.”

“Sure, no problem,” he winked, slowly scanning my body with his eyes. His slow perusal didn’t turn me on like any of the men I’d recently found myself obsessing over, but it did fill me with confidence, and I found myself striding away with a bit of a sway to my hips.

The next room I found had the word Captivate on the door. There was another window to the side, but this one didn’t have many people watching. When I peered in, I had to blink to make sure I saw things correctly. I guess the name on the door was right because it definitely captivated my attention.

If I had to guess, this was a room for exploring curiosities or fetishes. The couples currently in there had an assortment of toys and items scattered on tables, chairs, and lounges that they were using. I watched, fascinated as one woman had on a strap-on dildo and used it on a male lover. The power and dominance she had with each thrust were unique to watch. I never thought I’d be so enraptured by watching people have sex in front of me, I hadn’t even really seen pornography, but it reminded me of my time watching the couple on the dance floor, the naughtiness and explicitness calling to that darkness in me.

I blinked, pulling myself back from falling into the scene, and moved over to the next room. This one didn’t have a window, drawing my curiosity even more. Instead, this one had a guard standing outside the door. He seemed out of place among all the people due to being fully clothed. He caught me staring and took it as a question.

“It’s open if you wish to enter.”

I started to open my mouth to say no when I found myself nodding. “Sure.”

He pulled open the door, and I sat my untouched drink on the ledge before I entered, finding myself alone in a smaller room than the others. I guessed when he said it was open; he’d meant literally. There was a comfortable couch, bed, and lounge, so I sat down, wondering what this room was all about.

The minute I sat down, the lights went out, and a small gasp left me as the room lit with tiny bulbs built into the walls, ceiling, and floor. They dimmed on and off, casting a soft glow around me. Soft music began to play, and a voice that rivaled Byron’s spoke.

“Welcome to Sensation. In this space, you can explore the truth of who you are when the world’s trappings fall away. Your senses will be taken on a journey as you learn to use them anew. Sit back, relax, and allow yourself to fall into the moment of sensations.”

The music grew louder, and I decided to stay and see what it was all about. I was the only one in the room, too, so there wasn't the added embarrassment of people watching me. Settling back on the couch, I was shocked when a different voice came over the system. Goosebumps erupted on my skin, and I found my breath hitching at the sound.

“Are you ready to delight your senses, Spitfire? Can you handle the truth?”