“Yeah. I wouldn’t make that up.”

Laughing, I caught up to him, and we walked side by side, still holding hands. “So not to be the therapist, but what does this mean now?”

Monroe blew out a breath. I wanted to hate myself for asking, but I couldn’t live in this ambiguous state anymore. He peeked over, catching my eyes as we walked. “My situation hasn’t changed, Lo. If anything, it’s more stressful than before, but I don’t want to push you away again. If you can be patient with me, I’d like to try. I know we were just starting to date, but I felt something real with you. I’d like to get back to that place.”

“I can agree to that.” I smiled, my heart lighter at finally having some direction. “I don’t want to pressure you or make you feel you have to choose me over Levi. I’d never want that. I just don’t want to be pushed out, forgotten.”

“I could never forget you, Loren.”

“I like hearing that.”

“Good, because I have some ground to cover in order to redeem myself.”

“That’s not necessary, Monroe. I understand. I do.”

“The fact you do is why I want to do it. You deserve for someone to show you how amazing you are. You’re a rare woman, a beauty among a lot of toads. I think I just need your goodness around me to remind myself there are still good people out there.”

“Well, I mean, if you want to romance me, I’m not going to stop you.”

“Good. I don’t know what this will look like, but I’m glad I have you to figure it out with. Can we have dinner together soon, and I can update you on everything?”

“I’d like that.”

“Okay, perfect. Now, let’s get some coffee and try to forget George saw us making out in an elevator like two randy teenagers.”

Laughing, I followed him into Bean Paradise, happiness filling me again. I pushed back my earlier doubt and held onto this hope. I wanted to feel this as long as possible, reminding myself good things could happen.

* * *

The day had been long,but for the first time in months, it hadn’t dragged. I knew it had to be because of things improving with Monroe, but I didn’t want to be one of those girls whose mood was based on how her love life was going.

So, I convinced myself it was because I’d finally convinced Jude to watch one of my favorite shows and had taken a chance. It sounded better when I looked at it that way.

Finishing up my note for a new client, I quickly tucked Jill’s chart away and headed to the front to meet the last one. I was so jazzed today, I didn’t even care that my last client was Dayton. He’d been a hard one to crack, something about him not adding up, and I found myself frustrated as I tried to pull things from him.

I chalked it up to not working with adult men as often, and the poor timing of his intake. It had been the day I’d been practically dumped, clouding my judgment of him. Today, I was determined to turn it around, hoping my positive outlook would flow into the session. Peeking out my head, I smiled in greeting.

“Dayton, you can come back now.”

He nodded meekly, shuffling his feet as he followed me. Perhaps it was his demeanor that bothered me the most. He was a tall man, fit, and had a dominant energy about him. Yet, in sessions, he acted submissive and cowardly. Dayton was always polite and well-spoken, another congruence to his countenance. He spoke with confidence in his tone, his body language belied his mood.

Dayton Mascro was a contradiction of terms, and I couldn’t figure out why the act. I was confident it was one at this point, and I needed to find the answer to the game he was playing.

This was the part I loved, though. So despite his sourness at times, his discrepancy in motivation, he was a puzzle I wanted to solve. If I could figure out his game and call him on it, then I’d be halfway to his root problem.

All behavior had a purpose, after all, even the shitty ones.

“How has your week been, Dayton?”

“Oh, it’s been okay, Mrs. Carter. Thank you for asking.”

“Yes, of course. Did you do anything over the weekend?”

This was the thing about Dayton; it always felt like I was pulling teeth to get any traction.

“No, I just stayed home.”

“Oh, well, that’s nice sometimes to be inside and recoup. Did you try any of those activities we talked about?”