Ultimately though, I could never have her the way the others did. Because once she knew who I was, once she knew what I’d done, there was no way she would look at me the same again. I couldn’t be with someone who looked at me in fear. Not like my mother had with my father.

I wanted to be the man she saw me as now, the loving brother, the businessman, the sexy stranger, and perhaps even the hero. But to be that man, I couldn’t be with her and guarantee the safety of my family. Unlike Monroe, I would do whatever it took, even if that made me the monster in the end. I wasn’t a hero, even if she saw me as one currently.

Looking at Mrs. Carter, I focused on her, dismissing Nicco, unable to discount his statement. “Mrs. Carter. I have two pieces of information for you.”

She sat up, all of her focus back on me. It was a heady thing, and no wonder so many of the men around this table were willing to sacrifice themselves for her, even if she didn’t know it.

“The first piece is that it appears you were correct to believe Barkley is alive. I have reason to believe she’s being hidden somewhere. My associate found communication between Ms. Christine Perry and Mr. Brian Carter, along with receipts for dog food.”

She gasped, looking at Mr. Miller for something.

“That’s Brittni’s sister, Brian’s fiancee,” he replied.

Loren nodded, turning back to me. “Why can’t you confirm if it really is Barkley?”

I didn’t answer right away, not knowing how much I wanted to commit, my debt already paid. In the end, I gave in, wanting to see this woman smile. “Two reasons. The first is I wanted to gather visual confirmation, and I have someone checking it out tomorrow. The second was whether or not to take action then, to retrieve the animal.”

“Yes! Absolutely.” She nodded forcibly, looking at me like I’d lost my mind for questioning it.

“While I might agree with your decision, I wonder if I might offer an alternative.”

“I don’t know what alternative you could give me where she stays because unless you can guarantee her safety, I want her out of there!”

I found myself smiling at her outrage. “Maybe wait to decide until you hear what else I uncovered, Mrs. Carter?”

“Okkaayy,” she dragged out, not convinced. When I didn’t answer right away, she became agitated, rolling her eyes. “Are you going to tell me, or do I need to dance on the table to get your attention?”

“I thought you were the one who enjoyed watching others dance, Mrs. Carter? In fact, if I remember properly, you liked it very much, Belleza.” Her face flamed, but she didn’t drop her eyes, confirming she knew now it had been me. Interesting. I wondered when she found out.

“Well,” she started, making me realize I’d been quiet for a while, replaying the scene at Climax in my head. Clearing my throat, I refocused.

“So far, what I’ve uncovered is about your mother and Brian. I can confirm they’re in cahoots over something to do with you. There are multiple communications between them mentioning an item and using something as bait. My guess, they need you for something and are willing to bribe or threaten you in order to get it. Your ex-husband is demanding your mother pay up soon.”

“What on earth could they need me for? That’s the question, but it tracks with what we overheard.”

“And it will take longer for me to uncover,” I finished.

“So, what does that have to do with Barkley?”

Smiling, I found myself excited to share this. “You can play it two ways, Mrs. Carter, depending on how dirty or how much you want to stick it to them. I’d suggest you use it to your advantage, assuming she’s in a relatively safe environment.” She started to protest; I held up a finger, stopping her. “Because taking her right now will only be temporary unless you have proper certification, and based on the fact he had her to begin with, I’m assuming you do not.”

She sat back, a pout on her face at the realization. “Brian kept it all, never letting me know where it was, so when the divorce was finalized, like you said, I didn’t have representation, thinking we were going for mediation. Instead, I found myself in a courtroom. He had everything prepared, and me being the mess I was at the time, just relented, wanting out of the room and away from all the staring faces. I don’t even know if he has it, honestly, but it would be in his name if he did.”

I started to offer a suggestion when my newest fighter spoke up. “If I might interject, Mr. Mas—” I gave him a look, and he stopped. “Atticus,” he corrected. I’d gone over with him to use my first name while Loren was present, and under no circumstances was he to reveal my identity. While she was allowed into our little bubble, it didn’t mean they needed to know who I was or what I did.

“Go ahead, Wells.” I gestured for him to continue.

“I might be able to help with the paperwork and ownership. I have some contacts with my work. If we can procure this, would that be beneficial?”

“Yes,” I affirmed, “because if you hold documentation stating Barkley is your dog, then you could have them arrested for dog-napping if you want to go that far. But either option, reporting them or taking the dog back, your claim will stand if you have legal documentation. That is, of course, unless you want to go outside the law?”

She looked at me oddly before she laughed. “Sure, just call up the mob boss and ask him for a favor. A quick double cap in the knees for being an asshole ought to do it.” Sax shifted next to me, and outside of Monroe, no one else joined in. When she gathered herself, she looked at me. “I see your point. If I don’t do it the right way, I’ll always be waiting for them to steal her back or retaliate.”

“You could always stash her at my house,” Wells offered.

Loren smiled softly at him. “Thank you for offering, but I’d be waiting for the day to come, never getting to enjoy her company. No, Atticus is right. I need to do this the proper way, despite how frustrating it might be to wait. I wouldn’t put it past Brian to know I took her and use it against me.”

Nodding, I accepted her answer. “Precisely why we haven’t acted. I suggest waiting until the moment you can ensure her safety with you, and I’ll get visual confirmation it is her, and she’s healthy if you’d like?”