Droppingthe phone on the bed, I quickly changed my clothes and found myself excited for this dinner. It would be interesting, at least. Especially if Wells was there too. I wanted to watch the dynamics between him and Monroe, only having seen them together when he was injured or at the gym. Thinking about it, I picked up my phone and sent one message to Nicco.

ME:Change of plans. Atticus called with information and invited Monroe and me over for dinner. I’m assuming Sax will be there, and Wells too. So, I just wanted to offer you the invitation. If you would like to join us, I guess, even though it’s not my house. Maybe more of a, I’m going to be there in case you wanted to stop by. Okay, this is really long, and I’m rambling now. So I’ll see you if I see you.

Closing it,I shoved it in my back pocket before slipping on some shoes, but then I stopped. Looking down at my jeans, I decided I wanted to spice it up. I only had a few minutes left, so I quickly went back into my closet and slipped on a burgundy dress that hugged my frame and some black strappy heels. Rinsing my mouth out with mouthwash, I brushed my hair and pulled it back, spritzing myself with some spray. Next, I put on what was becoming my signature red lipstick. Right as I finished, the buzzer from downstairs buzzed, and there was a knock at the door as well. I hurried down the hall to let Monroe in. Jude lifted his eyebrow when he caught my appearance.

“Whoa. Looking nice, Lor.”

“Thank you,” I beamed. Opening the door, I found Monroe looking as delicious as ever.

“Wow, Lo, you look amazing.”

“Thank you,” blushing, I shuffled us out the door. “Ready?”

“Yes, let’s go!”

We headed down the hall and didn’t have to wait long for the elevator. As we all walked into it, I realized I’d left my phone in the pocket of my jeans. I didn’t feel like going back for it, so I hoped I wouldn’t need it. The thought of ‘who would call you?’ filtered through until I remembered it was right.

Who would call me when I was going to be with all of them? Ha! Take that self-doubting thoughts. Smugly, I leaned against the elevator wall, excited about what this evening might hold. It seemed like things were beginning to align, and I was at the helm of my life for once.