Laughing, he nodded. “I’m good with that. As long as I get to spend time with you which I’ve been severely missing, I don’t care if we eat at McDonald’s.”

“See, too nice.”

He watched my eyes for a second before he leaned in, kissing me softly. How the sweetest kiss from Monroe could be as hot as the devouring ones from Sax was a mystery and a problem. A good problem, but still one when I would eventually have to choose. The reality was becoming heavier and heavier, the decision almost unbearable to make. Nicco acted like I wouldn’t have to, but would they all agree?

“Selfishly, I thought if maybe you got to know Sax, and Nicco if he’s there, that I, I don’t know, it wouldn’t be as weird. I’m just,” I sputtered, “I really like you all. I don’t know what to do.” I found myself admitting my fears as I stared into his pale green eyes, the lightness offering me protection. “Maybe if you all knew each other, it wouldn’t be as difficult. I don’t know what I expected. I’m… kind of spinning right now. Maybe I’m asking for too much.”

“No, Lo, you’re fine. I promise. Of course, we can go to dinner there, especially if he has information on Levi. I would love that. I met with someone this weekend, it went really well. But I’m still waiting to hear back on a court date. I called someone today, and it could possibly be moved up this week. But if Mr. Masters has more information, that’s even better. Never apologize for following your gut. You’re always thinking about others, you know, that’s what you do. You consider everyone else’s needs before your own. So if this is something you need, want even, I can do that for you.”

“Thank you, Monroe.” I smiled until I remembered the time. “He said he would call back in 10 minutes, and I left my phone at my place. I don’t know what time we’re meeting. Do you want to walk over with me? And then I could tell you once I know?”

“Yeah, sure.”

Monroe followed me across the hall. When I opened the door, I heard the ringtone coming from the counter. Shit. I took off running. I didn’t know how long it had been or what ring it was on, and Atticus wasn’t one to keep waiting. “Why can’t I ever remember to take the darn thing with me?” I mumbled under my breath. Phones were not my friend.

“I should get you one of those watches. That way, the calls come to you even when you’re away from your phone,” Monroe offered, chuckling at my distress.

“Yeah, that’d probably be smart.”

Picking up the phone, I winced when I saw I had three missed calls already. It started ringing again, scaring me, causing me to drop it. Bending over quickly, I stood up fast with it as I answered, causing me to be slightly out of breath.

“Hello?” I huffed.

“Mrs. Carter.” He stopped, pausing for a second. “Did I interrupt something?” I didn’t miss the hint of steel behind his question.

“I mean, sort of, but no, you’re fine,” I rambled, his tone throwing me off. “I just walked in from across the hall from talking with Monroe. I left my phone here. When I unlocked the door, I heard it ringing, so I ran, then it stopped, but then you rang again, and I jumped, dropping it, and yeah, that’s why I sound this way…“ I finally managed to run out of words, and my face heated. Monroe’s body shook with laughter, his fist over his mouth in an attempt to hold the sound in. Sticking my tongue out at him, I almost missed what Atticus had to say.

“Well, good to know, Mrs. Carter.” His curtness had my hackles rising.

“You thought something else, didn’t you?”

“I have no clue what you could be referring to, Mrs. Carter.”

“Uh, huh. I’m on to you, Atticus.”

“Oh, what are you on to, Loren?” This time, his tone turned playful when he answered. For some reason, when he used my first name, it rolled off his tongue differently than Mrs. Carter, making my core clench tight.

Clearing my throat, I slowed my breathing. “Just that you’re not as mysterious as you pretend.”

“I would beg to differ,” he teased before remembering our conversation and reigning it in. “I do need to set things in motion if you are agreeable to dinner this evening.”

Disappointed that the flirting had been cut short, I slouched on the barstool, answering. “Yes, Monroe said he was okay with dinner. We just didn’t know what time to be there.”

“It’s 5:45 now, how about 7 pm? You’re welcome to arrive early, of course. You can hang out with Imogen or perhaps Saxon, but dinner will be served at seven.”

“You won’t be available during this time?”

My question had him pausing, silence getting to me over the line. “I’m afraid I have matters to handle until then, Mrs. Carter.” Ah, so back to formality it was then.

“The time is agreeable to us.”

“Wonderful. See you then, Mrs. Carter.”

He hung up the phone again before I could say anything else. Looking at Monroe, I found him observing me, an unreadable look on his face.

“Dinner will be ready at 7. I’d like to go earlier to speak with Imogen, but that would leave you alone. Maybe Wells will be there? Have you two spoken a lot since the other night?”

“No, we haven’t. I probably should talk to him, though. I’ve kind of become distant lately, pushing people away. I’ve been avoiding talking to him. But maybe I should try harder and give him a chance to prove himself.”