“Yeah, we were. Can I come in real quick?”

“Yeah, sure.” He backed up, his smile slipping some at my statement, allowing me to enter. As I passed, I couldn’t help but take a deep breath, his fresh cotton scent calming me. He smelled delectable each time I was near, and I constantly found myself wanting to just place my nose on his neck, breathing in his scent. I quickly sat down on the couch, knowing I was short on time. I probably shouldn’t have left my phone, but I still struggled to use it.

“This must be a serious conversation if you’re sitting on the couch,” he cautioned as he joined me.

Giggling, I shook my head. “No. I mean, it’s serious in nature, but I don’t think you’ll see it as something bad.”

“Okay. Now I see what you mean about dragging things out. The suspense is killing me.”

Grabbing his hand, I squeezed it, smiling. “So, I kind of told you before about how I was dating Nicco before everything happened.” He nodded, and I continued. “Well, I’d also met another man during that time, Saxon, or Sax. I hadn’t seen either of them because of something that happened after the bombing. And while I’m not ready to date Nicco yet, he has come back into my life, and we’re working on getting to know one another first. Sax and I, well, I guess we’re dating. I don’t know what to really call what Sax and I have. He’s kind of intense in the best way. Well, why I’m saying this is because I met him through Jude’s friend, Imogen.”

“Oh, yes, of course. He’s mentioned her. Did he get back in touch with her?”

“Yes. They came with Nicco to the wedding. Neither of us had seen them since the restaurant, so it was nice. On Sunday, Wells asked if I was ready to start our training.”


“Oh, um, yeah, Wells offered to teach me more kickboxing and self-defense. He apparently works for Imogen’s brother now, Mr. Masters.”

“Wow, I didn’t realize. So much has happened in a short time. I guess I’ve been further in my hole than I realized.” His eyes held some shame, and I squeezed his hand, not wanting him to regret fighting for Levi, ever.

“I’m not sharing this with you to make you feel bad. I’m getting to the point, I promise.”

“I know, Lo. It just made me realize how consumed I’d been, in not a good way. Losing myself to get Levi back isn’t what I wanted either. I’m glad we’re having this dinner. I think I needed it more than I knew. We’re still having it?”

Smiling, I agreed. “Yes, I’m getting there,” I confirmed, chuckling. “Yesterday, when I was there, Mr. Masters, well, he wants me to do something, but I can’t tell you exactly without breaking HIPAA, but he was willing to do me a favor in exchange. I guess I was feeling bold because I negotiated with him.”

“What did you ask for?”

Pulling my shoulders back, I was still proud of myself for the moment. “I know you said you were meeting with someone, but I figured more help wouldn’t be bad either. Mr. Masters, he has connections and means to get things. It’s not that he’s rich. I’ve been around rich people. It’s more that he exudes this power and has ways to get things I don’t necessarily have access to.”


“One of the things I asked help with was figuring out the connection between my mother and Brian. I don’t believe them about Barkley, and the PI Mitzi suggested ghosted me, probably paid off by them. I overheard part of a conversation at the wedding, and they’re clearly colluding. I’m just not confident on the how, or why.”

“So he agreed to help? That’s wonderful.”

“Yes,” I affirmed, nodding, “and I hope you don’t mind this part, but I also asked him to help with you and Levi.” I cringed, waiting for his answer.

“You did?”

“Yes, are you mad? I can tell him no if you don’t want anyone in your business.”

Monroe moved closer, the distance between us becoming nonexistent as he grazed his thumb over my cheek, pushing my hair behind my ear in an intimate gesture. “No, that’s really sweet, Loren. I’ll gladly take whatever help there is. What does it have to do with dinner?”

“Oh, God, yes,” I chuckled, his hand still on my jaw. “He called me when I was getting home to let me know he had information and invited me to come over tonight.”

“So, you do need to cancel.”

“No,” I chuckled, his concern for cancelling making me realize how invested he was in us. “The opposite, actually. I told him I already had dinner plans with you.”

“You didn’t have to do that. I would’ve understood.”

“Can you just let me finish, Monroe?” I laughed. “You’re being too nice. Always giving me an out when I don’t need one.”

“Okay, okay, I’m sorry. You’re right.” His smile was wide as he waited.

“So, I told him I had plans with you, and he mentioned the information he had to share involved you too and countered with inviting us to have dinner at his place. He’s willing to have something catered in. Okay, now you may ask questions. That’s the end.”