He sat down in the chair, pulling me onto his lap, and I stared at the well-dressed man across the desk. He cleared his throat, narrowing his eyes at the man behind me, but when Sax made no move to leave, Atticus sighed and focused back on me.

“As you can see, it seems my number 2 has become more enamored with you than doing his job. So, for the time being, I’d like to offer him as protection until some things in our lives calm down. With that, you could meet with Immy here, train with Mr. Young, and still be safe. Now, I understand your concern with Immy, so perhaps it could be unofficial? Maybe more like a mentorship or confidant? I heard what you said that day about connection and relationships, and I’m glad that Immy could connect with you on her first try. But I’m a man of numbers, and the likelihood she’d be able to reproduce that bond or be willing to try again are slim. So if that means we change the dynamics of your relationship to make it work, I’m good with that. It’s important that you keep whatever secrets you may uncover here or with her to yourself. That is vital.”

I thought about what he was saying, and I could understand where he was coming from. Part of me knew it was still very blurry, and I was allowing my feelings on things to cloud my judgment, but I also knew I would never be able to walk away from a girl who was hurting and needed my help. If it had to be more of a casual thing, I still thought it would be better than nothing. I didn’t want to be another person in her life leaving her either. But the implications that it was dangerous had me hesitating.

“How dangerous?”

“I think you know the answer to that, Mrs. Carter.”

Slowly, I nodded because he was right. I was in a bombing. Some man had waited outside my gym and accosted me. Not to mention the train. Evidently, I’d been in danger longer than I wanted to admit. I wanted to run away, hide Jude and myself somewhere the evils of the world wouldn’t touch us.

But that wasn’t life. It wasn’t even a reality. Evil was everywhere. There was no escape.

Good things didn’t happen just because you wanted them to. The death of my baby was a painful reminder of this fact. I caught myself rubbing my stomach at the thought, and I immediately stopped, but not before Atticus’ eyes had dropped there. Clearing my throat, I focused back on the present, hoping to distract him from asking the question I didn’t want to answer.

“I have a feeling even if I asked, you wouldn’t tell me who you are.” I paused, but he didn’t say anything, just stared at me, gauging my reaction. “But I’d be naive to believe you didn’t have some type of power. And while I appreciate the offer of Sax,” I giggled, before pulling myself together. “The concept weirds me out, and I’d rather propose a different exchange.”

“I’m listening.”

“My ex-husband kept something from me, and now he claims that it's gone. I hired a private investigator, but they are giving me the runaround now. I was meant to meet them today, but they canceled at the last minute. This coming after Sax and I overheard something last night, well, I’m starting to think there’s a bigger picture. My mother, my ex-husband, and perhaps even Monroe’s ex are connected and plotting together. Help me figure out what’s going on there and stop them.”

“That can be arranged.” I sighed in relief. The disappointment I’d felt this morning at receiving the notice washed away. Another idea popped in my head, so I decided to go for it. It was time to practice demanding what I deserved after all.

“One more thing, or well two.”

He approved my request with a nod, but I swear his lips lifted, a pleased expression wanting to emerge. Atticus’ eyes even seemed to have softened at the request.

“The thing my ex kept was my dog. Help me get her back, and Monroe his son.”

“Monroe, he’s your neighbor?”

I nodded, not surprised he knew. Atticus seemed like the type to know everything about a person.

“Done.” The corners did lift a little more this time, and I decided to push for more. All he could do was say no. “Anything else?”

“Actually, yes.”

“Go ahead, Mrs. Carter,” he said, offering me the chance, a full smile on his lips now. “I have to say you’re more of a businesswoman than I gave you credit for.”

“I think you’ll find you’ve underestimated me in several ways, but that’s beside the point. Jude,” I breathed. “I want to adopt Jude officially. I’ve started the paperwork, but if something happened to me, promise me you won’t let him be lost to the system again. You owe me this for keeping the people important to me away for months with no contact.” A tear slipped through, and I quickly swiped it away, never dropping my eyes.

He nodded, solemnly. “You have my word.”

I exhaled, the tension ebbing out of me completely as I relaxed into Sax’s arms. “Thank you. When do you want to start?”

“Tuesday work?”

“If we do it in the evening, then yes, I have clients until 5 pm.”

“I’ll make sure we can.”

He dropped his eyes, picking up his phone, and I felt the dismissal from his posture. Standing, I started to walk out, Sax right behind me, when he spoke one more time.

“Thank you, Mrs. Carter. I hope you keep surprising me.”

I didn’t turn back, but the smile on my face was wide as I walked out.