“It’s lovely.”

“Yeah, it is.”

He smiled down at me, and I could see the love he held for the girl there, almost like a father. When I first met him, I thought he was arrogant, brash, and a bulldozer. Or, at least, it felt like he’d bulldozed into my life with his cocky swagger. But I was beginning to see the sweet undertones and protectiveness that made up Sax. It made him even more irresistible, and I found myself facing a difficult decision soon.

A few weeks ago, I’d been alone, managing life on my own, happy to shuffle through it with Jude figuring it out as we went. I’d pushed aside the pain I’d felt, not wanting to spiral back into my depressive fog, but I wonder now if I’d done myself some disservice. Once again, I’d forgotten that ignoring sad things didn’t make them disappear. The fear I was falling for this man who had the potential to hurt me slammed into me, along with the fact he wasn’t the only one I was falling for.

I was going to have to choose at some point and lose the others. It seemed simple at first, dating more than one, exploring and learning about myself. But now, I wasn’t so sure. How did I even begin to make that decision?

Before I could ponder it more, we stopped at the door the music came from. I found Imogen sitting on a piano bench, her back to us as she poured herself into the song. Her hands flew across the ivories, her delicate touches on the keys, a beautiful caress as she played. Imogen’s body swayed with the song, her whole essence flowing into the music. It was breathtaking to behold, and I knew it was a special moment to witness. None of us interrupted, not wanting her to stop until the end.

When the last note played out, I couldn’t hold back any longer. Pulling my hands free, I clapped softly, not wanting to surprise her.

“That was beautiful, Imogen.”

She turned at my voice, tears on her face as she smiled softly. Quickly, she wiped them free and slid off the bench.

“Thank you. I didn’t realize you guys were here. I, uh, yeah…” She held one arm across her body, holding it with the other, her shields down, and I could tell she felt exposed at us hearing her pain. I started to fall back into my therapist role, wanting to step in to comfort her, but halted when Jude stepped forward.

“Ims, that was amazing. I can’t believe you play that well. Would you show me?”

Her arms dropped, and she grinned, nodding. “Yeah, I guess I could.”

They headed to the bench, and I turned to leave with Sax, stopping before I made it two feet to address Jude. “I’ll grab you when my session is over. Um,… be good?” I cringed, not knowing what to say.

Jude laughed at my lame attempt. “Yeah, sure, Lor. I’ll try not to break anything.”

“Well, okay, so you’re not a toddler. Just, I don’t know.” Throwing my hands up, I laughed and walked the rest of the way out. I found myself stopping right outside the door for a second, Sax giving me a knowing grin as we listened.

“Do you really want to learn?”

“Absolutely. I’ve always been interested in music, I just didn’t have many opportunities, I guess.”

“Well, cool. How about I show you, and you show me yours? Um, no, I didn’t mean it that way.” When they both laughed, I decided to leave, not wanting to overhear anything else. I’d been concerned Imogen wasn’t emotionally prepared, but apparently, Jude had comforted her in his Jude way, and I needed to let them figure everything else out on their own until they needed me.

“Satisfied, Spitfire?”

“I just wanted to make sure she was okay.”

“She’s good. Really. Immy has come a long way.”

“That’s good. I worry about her.”

“She asked to go back to therapy, you know.”

“She did?”

“Yeah. I was going to call you today about it.”

“Oh. Well, I would love to see her. I just worry now with our relationship and Jude,” I stopped, touching his arm. “Things were already difficult for me before we started, you know, and I’d already blurred the boundaries with her, but I could justify it because it was in the office and still so new. But I don’t think I can reason with myself anymore that the relationship with her is strictly therapeutic. It pains me to say that, but I don’t think I’d be the best fit for her.”

I hadn’t realized we’d stopped right outside an office, so when Atticus spoke, I jumped, turning to find him in the doorway.

“Perhaps that’s something we can discuss along with another matter this morning, Mrs. Carter.”

“Sorry, I didn’t see you there, Mr. Masters.”

He stared at me, taking me in from head to toe. “Please, come in.”