“Wait, you’re trying them on too?”

“Uh, yeah. How else will we know they fit?”

I looked at her, not blinking for a second. “You’re going to the benefit too?”


“Okay, well played, Atticus, this is definitely a bunch of bonuses in the forgiving you column.”

“Girl, you know you want to add that dick to your train.” Nat gave me a pointed look, but I shushed her, looking for Imogen, hoping she didn’t hear Natalie. I think that conversation would be more uncomfortable than the one I’d had with Jude.

“Keep it down. Geez, you’re like a freaking puppy. I can’t take you anywhere.”

“Oh, but if I was a puppy, I’d be one of those cute little ones, and you could take me with you because I’d fit in your purse.” She lifted her hands up like paws, sticking her tongue out as she panted like a dog. I couldn’t help it. I laughed, Nat’s personality being too fun to get mad at her for.

“Yeah, you so would.”

Linking arms, I grabbed Imogen with my other, and we finally made it into the dressing room, where a room full of colorful dresses awaited.

* * *

A few hours later,I felt like a princess after trying on so many extravagant gowns, shoes, and accessories. Nothing in the store had price tags either, which made me nervous since I had no idea how much everything was totaling up to. Imogen and I had picked our dresses, shoes, and jewelry, and we were waiting now while the other two finalized their choices.

Stacy had helped us, shooing the other attendants away and only having them bring her things. They’d given her the stink eye for a bit, but when they saw her style, they let her do her thing. She was now trying on her own dresses since she hadn’t been able to, and Nat hadn’t made up her mind yet, more indecisive than I’d ever thought she’d be.

So Imogen and I lounged back on the chaises, content to lean against one another in silence. When she sat up a few minutes later, I turned and looked at her. She’d become more withdrawn the past half hour, and I wasn’t sure what had happened. She was biting her lip now, her eyes darting all over the place.

“Are you okay, sweetie?”

“Yeah, I think I know what happened earlier.”

“Okay, do you want to talk about it?”

“Yeah, I think it will help. When I came into the lobby, the smell triggered me, and I was back in that room. I… “ she swallowed, her words wobbly as she looked up to meet my eyes. “I hadn’t smelled that fragrance since my father, and the last time I saw him was when he came to tell me goodbye. He said,… it was my time to prove I was worth it, to show him I had what it takes. My mother had been useless in the end, and he apologized for making me watch it but felt it was necessary to shape me into the woman he wanted me to be.”

Imogen took a big deep breath, a tear sliding down her face as she stopped to collect herself. Reaching out, I grabbed her hand, squeezing it. I didn’t say anything knowing any questions right now would disturb her story retelling. Offering her support, I reminded her she was brave and strong. She squeezed back before starting again, more steady this time.

“I guess this was after the first night. I can’t remember the time exactly. But he sat on the bed, and I recall being able to smell him so strongly in that room because everything else smelled like vomit and moldy cheese. I used to love his smell, but in that dank room, it was like my love for my dad taunted me, reminding me what I would never have again—safety.”

Imogen wiped her eyes, and I waited to see if she was done. When she started again, I held on for dear life, knowing this next part would be the hardest.

“He left, and my husband-to-be walked in. He was handsome but slimy, and there was nothing but coldness in his eyes. I’d seen that look before on mens’ faces and knew nothing good for me was coming. But he told me I wasn’t ready for him yet. He boasted how he didn’t fuck children,” she spat, the anger rising in her voice. “But didn’t want me to be inexperienced either, so he was going to use me as a reward for his men.”

Imogen’s voice broke off at the end, her lip trembling as she recalled the horrors. I pulled her into my arms, soothing her back. I looked up and found Nat frozen, horror on her face at overhearing what Imogen said. When she saw me, I indicated for her to give us a minute, knowing Immy wouldn’t want the others to know. Nat assented, wiping a tear from her face as she backed out, stopping anyone else from entering as well.

“I tried to block it out, the things they did to me, but sometimes when I least expect it, they flash through my memory. I just want them to stop.” She pulled back, her face a watery mess. “Can you help me, Loren? Please?”

“Of course, sweet girl, of course.” I pulled her back to me, my own tears falling into her hair as I rocked her, wanting to soothe her however I could. This precious girl had been through too much, and she didn’t deserve any of the horrors she’d faced. I’d do everything in my power to help her retake her body, mind, and future.