“Eager there, Kitten?”

He smiled genuinely, the light reaching his eyes, and I realized it was part of what had changed about him. Wells wasn’t as pissed off as usual. He even appeared lighter, not as mad at the world.

“Um, you said dogs. It just so happens, I’m a big fan of dogs. Seems you might have a redeeming quality, after all, Surly.”

He barked out a laugh, unlocking the door and holding it open for me to pass under his arm. “Is that so? Well, come in and meet the crew. Just watch—,”

Before he could finish speaking, I ducked under his arm and raced into the house. Clicks on the hardwood greeted me as loud paws sounded on the floor. I realized what he was saying too late and found myself in a massive lick fest as one of the dogs tackled me to the ground, the others clambering over one another to get to me next. I sat up, not caring, as I tried to love on all of them at once, speaking in baby cooing gibberish.

They were beautiful, and it made me realize how much I’d missed this, missed Barkley.

Wells whistled, and the dogs immediately backed down, sitting at attention, and I looked up at him, impressed. He laser focused his glare on the dogs, a look of disapproval on his face, and I watched as they hung their heads, whining. God, that was hot, and so adorable at the same time.

“Koda, Nova, you two know better. What if that had been an intruder? Are you going to attack them with your licks? Was that your plan?” He huffed, planting his hands on his hips as he stared them down. I couldn’t help the giggle that slipped free.

I watched in amusement as the two bigger dogs pawed at their faces, begging forgiveness. Wells’ face changed, and he patted them on the heads. He turned to the smaller two, one not even sitting anymore but playing with its feet, laying on his back. Wells hung his head, sighing loudly as he looked at the misbehaving mutt.

“Fort, I swear you’ll be the death of me. I’ve never met a dog as stubborn as you.” The dog rolled over, almost looking like he asked, ‘what, me?’ Wells went over to a tall cabinet and began to scoop out food into four bowls. I watched in fascination as he acknowledged each dog, beckoning them to come to their bowl. They waited in front of it like good little soldiers until he clicked his teeth in a sound, nodding for them to eat. I could hear the hungry inhales as the first three scarfed their food, and the little one waited, struggling to stay still. He didn’t move from his spot, though, and a little whine escaped him before Wells gave in.

“Okay, Fort.”

I watched in amazement as he pounced, shaking his little doggy butt as he ate. When they were all occupied, Wells walked over to me and offered me a hand up. “I tried to warn you,” he cringed in apprehension, assuming I’d be upset.

Grabbing it, I got to my feet and shook my head, smiling. “I’m not mad. I loved it. I’m kind of not sure how to take you now.”

“Well, don’t let it go to your head, Kitten. I’m still the surly asshole you love to kick in the balls.”

Laughing, I followed him as he led me to the kitchen, opening a fridge and pulling out two waters. He handed one to me, and I took it, again surprised at his kindness.

“Now, I really don’t know how to take you.”

“It’s just a water bottle, Kitten. It’s not a proposal. Drink it or not, but I figured you’d want one after being out on the road. Always makes my throat dry.”

He turned the bottle upside down, and I watched in fascination as the water traveled down his throat. A stray drop here and there ran down his jaw, and for a second, I debated licking it. The crackling of the plastic broke my stare off with the drop, and I uncapped my own water and drank some to distract myself.

Wells stayed leaning against the counter and waited until I was done before he began his questions.

“Do you need to call someone, Monroe, perhaps?”

“Oh, um, no. I’m good.”

“What about your foster kid? Jude, was it?”

“He’s at a school thing.”

The dogs had finished eating and meandered their way around the kitchen, sniffing me, curious about my presence. I sat down on the floor, not caring if it was clean, and found myself loving on the mischievous Fort. Patting him, I looked up when Wells hadn’t asked me anything else.

He had a soft smile on his face as he watched me pet the dog.

“He likes you.”

“Well, I like him.”

Wells walked over and sat across from me, and one of the bigger dogs plopped down on him, practically knocking him over. “Koda! You big lug, watch it.”

He shoved the dog off him, but the dog tried again, landing in his lap this time. Wells rolled his eyes but allowed it.

“You going to tell me what happened earlier?”

Sighing, I looked up, some of the fear returning at having to recall it, but I knew it was necessary. “I think the man who’s responsible for the bomb, I think he approached me tonight with a message. Though it was more like a threat. And now that I think about it, it wasn’t the first time either.”

“Kitten, slow down, and start from the beginning. Tell me everything. Including what’s been going on for the past two months.”

Taking a deep breath, I acquiesced and shared how my life had been the past two months with him. I got lost in my story as I stroked the now sleeping dog in my lap, my voice a soft lull as I shared. In a moment of odd clarity, I realized that sitting on a kitchen floor with my surly trainer, surrounded by dogs, and telling my woes wasn’t the worst Friday in my life.

In fact, I’d say it was probably in the top ten best ones.