“I’m user DumbledoresBeardBro.”

Stunned again, I had to catch up as he took off. “I don’t think that means what you think it means,” I said, laughing.

“Whatever, DracoWasRobbed.”

His flippant comment threw me, and I found myself laughing as we approached the two men. They gave me odd looks, and I sobered quickly, pulling the boss mask on.

“Is there a problem, Joel?”

“No, boss.”

Lucca and him gave me the recap of the family members who’d arrived so far as we walked toward the door. Despite having to become the cold Atticus again, it didn’t feel as suffocating this time. Perhaps it was what Sax said or our insane conversation. But more than likely, it was the statement about the light and how I suddenly understood.

Loren was the light.

And maybe I didn’t have to hide as much as I thought. I guess it was time to shed some light myself. It was time to step out from the shadows of Masters and place my trust in her.

It was time for Mrs. Carter to learn just who the Mascros were, and I had an idea of how to do it. If I was going to share our true identity, it would need to be with flair. Because Sax was right, I was changing what it meant to be a Mascro, and I needed to show her both sides.

* * *

The family memberspresent were growing restless as they discussed their concerns. My neck was killing me from holding up all the bullshit, and my temples throbbed to the rhythm of a million steel drums. My shoulders were so tight, I didn't know if even the world's greatest masseuse could get the knots out. There was no relaxing for me, not anytime soon.

"Chadwick, I hear your concern, but there's nothing to be done. We're moving into more legal revenues of income. By doing that, I'm stepping out of other areas. It won't affect your bottom line unless you've been stealing from the family. So, what’s your real concern? Are you upset because you can't skim off the top, or are you really going to miss hawking stolen and fake goods?"

Lasering him with my cold stare, I waited to see if he'd give himself away or bow down as I observed every detail. His jaw clenched, his nostrils flared, and his fist was clenched tight, twitching as if he wanted to reach for something. A few others shifted away from him, either to not be lumped in with him by association or to get out of the blood splatter range.

"Of course, boss. What the Suit says goes."

Lifting my lips, I gave him a deadly grin. "You'd be wise not to forget that. Your family and soldiers all have new positions equal to what they were doing on the docks. We’re relinquishing our area of the business over to the Rawle’s in exchange for their allied forces against Delgado. We'll continue to receive shipping rights through them as they will now control the majority of the docks.” I paused, narrowing my eyes to send my message through. “If anything, this is taking things off your plate. You should be grateful."

Chadwick assented, but I didn't miss how his eyes shifted to one person in particular or how he didn't seem pleased by the news. Zeroing in on Joel, I waited him out as I leveled him with a cold stare. When his head dropped, I shifted my eyes to Hugo, his guard, to hold him back. It seemed Joel had been keeping secrets after all.

"Upswing opens in a few weeks. This is the new direction for our family. We're not weakening ourselves as some of you have suggested, quite the opposite, in fact. In honor of Upswing opening, there will be a party for the entire family at the estate. You're all invited along with your family members. It will be a night of celebration and a reminder of who we are.”

Clearing my throat, I started our family motto to end the meeting. “We are family foremost, bonded by blood second, and one house above all. We are Mascros.” The gathered men of honor chorused my words, and for once, I didn't want to throw up at the thought of what it meant to be a Mascro.

At the end of the chant, they all dispersed and left. I watched Hugo lead Joel over to the smaller conference room. He protested at first, but when he looked back and saw me watching, he swallowed, nodding. It would be easier for him if he went along. Things at this base of operations weren't as complex as the estate house, but it was closer and easier for everyone to gather.

When we didn't have top-secret information to go over, we tended to meet here for convenience's sake. It appeared to be a rundown sports store on the outside, but the inside had been transformed into rooms for members to use while here, meeting areas, and common spaces to build camaraderie. Nothing of value was left here to indicate anything other than what was presented, but it was a large space to gather. And tonight, it would also be where the fate of our future was decided.

While Joel stewed in a separate interrogation room from Marcus, I walked out with Sax to finalize things with Ethan. We found the older man looking at the photos on the wall when we entered the makeshift library/office area. He didn't turn at our entrance but kept looking at the pictures. I glanced at Sax, who shook his head. He didn't know why that photo would be curious either. Clearing my throat, I waited for him to acknowledge us.

"Hello, son." He finally greeted me, but kept his back turned. It didn't send a good vibe through me. His disrespect was obvious and what he thought of me as head of the family.

"Ethan. Is there a reason you're choosing to disrespect me on my own turf?"

He turned slowly, a sly smile on his face. "No disrespect meant, Attie. It's truly good to see you, son. What, has it been twenty years since I last saw you two?" He asked, looking back and forth between Sax and me. I didn’t miss the way he used a nickname, or referred to me as ‘son’.

"Potentially. I last remember the Chicago families getting together the summer after I graduated from the University of Chicago. That would've been closer to fifteen years ago. Before…” I started and then stopped.

"Before the great fallout, I believe you were going to say."

I nodded, not wanting to bring up the last time the city had almost fallen into war. All the families had splintered then, the main three, Mascro, Delgado, and Rawle, remaining the most powerful. But the Rawles had suffered the most—Ethan's family included. A lot of lives were lost before a truce and peace were found.

"My boys have already begun to clear out the facilities. We thank you for your offer, and are set to take over the port at the end of the month. I've sent the final papers over to your lawyers. You've kept up your end of the deal, young man, so what do you need from us?"

He clasped his hands in front of him, and I decided to observe him this time. Grey peppered his temple, but his mustache remained full. He was dressed more casually than I’d seen him before. He had on black slacks, but only a button-down with no tie, and the top open. His shoes, while nice, were older, years of wear on them. Perhaps, things had been harder for the Rawles than they had let on. I filed the information away.