“I have nothing to say to you. Now, I’m going to return to my friends and tell them all about the amazing sex I had with one of my boyfriends. Enjoy your meal.”

I spun on my heels, sitting back down delicately. I placed my napkin back in my lap, crossing my legs gracefully. My shoulders stayed back, and when I raised my head to the girls, their faces had changed to looks of respect and glee. I grinned back at them, happy to have them with me. Cami winked, and I just knew whatever came out of her mouth would be a doozy, but I couldn’t wait, knowing she did it to help me stick it to my mother.

“Have you had any of them together yet, Lor? Are there threesomes in your future?”

Sputtering in laughter, I couldn’t help but chuckle at her. Lifting my coffee, I tipped it at her. “One can only hope.”

We all heard the huff of annoyance and outrage behind us, but we ignored it, returning to our meals and conversation. My hands shook a little, but as I relaxed back in my seat, listening to them share about their weeks, it began to slow. Nat reached over, squeezing my leg under the table, offering me support. I nodded to her as Cami talked loudly about her last threesome, and I laughed, knowing it was killing my mother.

While it was embarrassing having my parents hear about my sex life, I wasn’t ashamed of it. It had been scary standing up to my mother, her years of gaslighting and emotional abuse leaving a scar on my soul. But I chose myself and would keep choosing myself, proving I was strong to me and others.

I had a feeling I would need it for what lay ahead. Because I hadn’t missed the change in routine or the way my father looked relieved to get out of the house. Whatever my mother was hiding, it would hit the fan soon, and I didn’t want to be in front of it when it did.

I felt a slight squeeze of my shoulder a few minutes later, and I knew it had been my father. It was another win in his column of pulling away from the toxicity that was Jacqueline Hanover.