“What! Why couldn’t I have been there for that? Please tell me there’s footage of this?” Cami begged, slapping the table again. A couple of other people looked over, eyeing her, a few turning their noses up at her outfit.

She was dressed as seductively gorgeous as usual in a low-cut top, her red hair curled around her. She always managed to draw the looks from others, whether from lust or annoyance. Cami was all personality, and while I found I loved it, I saw the looks others shot her loud ‘take no prisoners’ attitude. If I’d still been in the clutches of Jacqueline, I would’ve been eyeing her as well. Mostly because I’d be jealous she could be so free to be herself.

“Actually,” I chuckled, “I didn’t know this until last night, but apparently, Jude recorded it.”

“Oh man, I’m so texting him to send it to me.” Shaking my head, I smiled at the server when our food was delivered. Before I could even take a bite of the delicious-looking omelet, Cami was squealing in glee across the table.

“Epic, Lor! Oh my God, that is the best thing I’ve seen.”

“He sent it to you?”

She grinned wide, passing her phone to the other two to watch. They all huddled around the phone, watching it. It was weird being applauded for something I usually wouldn’t feel proud of. The high-class snob in me wanted to berate me for using violence and lowering myself to such basic responses. But that high-brow person, she wasn’t me—not anymore. Plus, she’d never been free, and now that I was, I couldn’t imagine ever being trapped again by the shackles of the elitist society.

Loss of freedom was too high a cost to ever belong to that world again.

“Seriously, that’s hot, Lor. You seriously have me considering physical activity. Do you think Wells would train me?”

“And me!” Stacy piped in, and the small amount of fear I’d catch at times flicked in her eyes, and I knew more than anything she needed to feel in control of her body and safe.

“I can definitely ask. He’s trying to get in my good graces, so he might be willing. He’s a bit of an asshole, though, so be prepared for him to be surly toward you.”

“I can work with that,” Stacy confirmed, a look of hope on her face. If Wells said no, I’d find someone else, it seemed important all of a sudden.

“You’ve had a very fulfilling week.”

“Oh, I also slept with Monroe last night,” I stated right before taking a bite, smiling smugly at them. Their shocked expressions had me grinning wider as I took another bite, but this one I almost choked on when I heard her voice behind me.

“Loren, it seems you continue to embarrass me with your lewd behavior, and now you’re bragging about physical violence against your husband? You’ve sunk so low, dear. I don’t know what I’ve ever done to deserve this treatment.”

Coughing, I grabbed the water in front of me as I tried to dislodge the egg that was wedged there. The cool glass also gave me something to focus on as I attempted to get my breathing under control. Setting it down, I looked up at the girls, their faces a mixture of disgust, shock, and anger as they looked at the woman behind me.

Carefully, I placed the napkin from my lap on the table, turning on my chair to stand from the table. I realized my mistake as soon as I stood. In my haste to get to the table, I hadn’t taken in my entire surroundings. My inner critic shouted at me, reminding me if I hadn’t had round two with Monroe this morning, I would’ve been on time. I could’ve preempted this attack. I could’ve chosen somewhere else to sit or even kept my bragging to myself. The usual cowering I did in her presence wanted to emerge, giving in to the shame she cast on me for not living up to her expectations.

Pushing my shoulders back, I used my height to my advantage and stood looking down on my mother. Those inner insecurities had surfaced for a moment. But it was only a moment. The love and acceptance I’d found last night shined bright, casting those demons away. There was nothing wrong with my choices. Nothing wrong with me sharing it with my friends. And there was absolutely nothing wrong with me standing up for myself and wanting to be loved.

“Mother, how nice to see you here. This isn’t your typical Sunday place. Did something happen at the club? Hope you haven’t offended anyone with your trite behavior.”

Jacqueline’s face scrunched up, and I knew I’d unknowingly hit a nerve. Interesting. I filed that away to look at more later.

“Your father and I decided to try something new. That’s all.”

I peeked around her, spotting my father sitting at the table. He looked worn down and embarrassed by my mother for once.

“Hi Dad,” I greeted, offering him a smile.

“Loren, it’s nice to see you. I’ve missed catching up. How is… Jude?” He finished, despite my mother giving him a disapproving look. His eyes had cast over to her, but I saw him defy her, asking anyway. It gave me hope he wasn’t as despicable as Jaqueline was. Kenneth still had a lot to make up for, but perhaps he wasn’t unredeemable. I held onto that morsel of hope for my dad.

“Jude’s great. He’s doing an internship with Mitzi and doing well at school.”

“That’s good, real good. I’ll have to check with Mitzi and see if she needs any more volunteers. I could use a new outreach, get me out of the house more.”

I didn’t miss the way his eyes flicked to my mother again or the challenge in his voice at getting out. Something was going on here, and I needed to get to the bottom of it once and for all.

Jacqueline was not happy to be dismissed, stomping her foot down like a toddler.

“Yes, Mother? Do you have something productive to add?”

“Productive? How about you answer my questions?” she screeched, pulling in more onlookers.