We wentto bed early Thursday night, and I could tell that Alexa was just too tired after a long walk on the beach with Leif in a carrier to make love, so I thought of the deal and tried to put off my desire for at least forty-eight hours when we could be alone in the apartment in Manhattan. It took some time, but I finally fell asleep sometime after one in the morning. I woke when my watch alarm went off just after eight. Alexa was already up and was feeding Leif. I could hear her humming to him over the baby monitor on the bed beside me. I felt bad that I’d slept right through the nightly feed and now had slept through Alexa getting up to feed Leif. I had just been so tired and so relieved that the deal with Hanson was going to go through that I must have been totally unconscious.

I got up, had a quick shower, and then dressed in my usual business suit for the meeting with John. I didn’t need to get all dressed up, but I wanted to be able to meet with the staff in the office and tell them the good news. I wanted to look like the successful space entrepreneur and so didn’t want to disappoint.

I called the limo service and arranged for it to meet me outside. I had just enough time to get a cup of coffee and a bagel from the kitchen before it would arrive.

When I got downstairs, the caffeinated coffee pot was full and there was a thermos already filled with it waiting for me. Alexa came down the stairs with Leif in her arms.

“There you two are,” I said and went over to meet them at the entrance to the kitchen. I took Leif from Alexa’s arms and kissed his still-bald head. “I’m sorry I was such a neglectful daddy and slept through the night feed and this morning’s, too.”

“Don’t worry,” Alexa said and went to get her own cup of decaf from the one-cup coffee maker beside the main one. “We understood. You had great news yesterday and needed to sleep in. Leif and I will make sure Daddy makes up for it, won’t we?” she said to Leif, who smiled at her, his pacifier in his mouth.

“I promise you I will make it up to you,” I said to her. While I held Leif and watched, Alexa popped a bagel in the toaster. “Do you want a bagel to go? Cream cheese?”

“You’re too good to me,” I said and nodded.

She was too good to me, but I loved every minute of it. When my cell dinged indicating that the limo was outside, I went to the front entrance and slipped on my shoes. Alexa followed me with Leif in her arms, a bagel and coffee clutched in the other.

“Don’t forget your briefcase,” she said and motioned to the bottom of the staircase.

I kissed her and Leif, grabbed the coffee and bagel and briefcase, and left the house, ready to take on the day and look at the papers Hanson had sent over. Life was good.

Hell, it was more than good.

It was fantastic.