
* * *

Not long afterLuke said goodbye, the guard from the guardhouse called me and when I saw his name and number on my call display, I felt a shock of adrenaline go through me.


“Ma’am, we have a possible intruder on the property. Please take Leif to the safe room and wait for my all-clear.”

“Right away,” I said and grabbed Leif and went right into the room we designated the “safe room,” which was next to the stairs beside the furnace room. I closed the door and sat with Leif on my lap, waiting.

I had a stash of toys in there and a lamp, plus I had my cell. While I waited, Leif played with one of the toys he hadn’t seen for quite a while and was happy, stuffing it into his mouth in as many ways as he could.

I grabbed my cell and called Luke right away. He answered, and his voice was breathless.

“Luke,” I said. “They just called us and we’re in lockdown. Leif and I are in the safe room.”

“Good,” he said. “I’m going to find out who this sonofabitch is and punch his lights out.”

“Luke!” I said, alarmed. “Don’t you dare! What if he has a gun? Don’t worry about me. The house is in lockdown, and Leif and I are in the safe room. Leave the policing to the police, okay?”

“All right. I’ll call you back when I know more. Sit tight. You’re safe.”

“Okay. Be careful.”

“I will.”

With that, Luke ended the call. I had a struggle to hold Leif and type at the same time, but managed to send Luke a text, my hand shaking just a bit from anxiety. I knew I was safe with three guards monitoring the property, but still, I didn’t want Luke to take matters into his own hands. It unnerved me that there would be anyone trying to break into the property. There were clear no-trespassing signs on the walls bordering the property, there were security cameras, and there was a guard gate with passcode required to enter.

Who would be fool enough to think they could enter the property and get away with it?

About ten minutes later, I got another call from Luke. He told me about the identity of the prowler — some young guy from Queens.

“Do you want me to cancel the meeting and come stay with you?” he asked, probably hearing the sound of nerves in my voice.

“No, no,” I said quickly. “You go ahead. I’m safe here with the guard on duty. We’ll have a nice supper on the patio when you get back. How about grilled Greek chicken and vegetables?”

“Sounds great,” he said. “If you’re sure.”

“I’m sure.”

I heard a knock at the door to the safe room. “Yes?”

“It’s me, Ma’am,” the guard said. “We got the all-clear. You can come out now.”

“Thank you,” I said and let out a huge sigh of relief. I unlocked the door and left the alcove, emerging from the small room into the main hallway. I glanced out the windows beside the front entrance and saw a police car with lights flashing on the road outside the property. There were several other vehicles as well.

“What’s happening now?”

“Local police are taking reports from the guards on duty, and they’ll do a canvass of the neighborhood for any video of the vehicle and suspect. They’ll take the suspect into the local precinct, and process him, charge him with trespassing and whatever else they can get him on.”

“Anything on my end?” I asked, wondering if I’d have to speak to someone.

“No, Ma’am,” he said. “They’re dealing with us as Mr. Marshall requested. He didn’t want you to be questioned, and since you didn’t even see the suspect, they don’t need your report. We’ll take care of it.”

“Great,” I said, relieved that I wouldn’t have to speak with police. Besides, I didn’t see anything and all I did was go into the safe room and wait.

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