Did she have a crush on Luke or something?

I couldn’t figure it out. I made my way back to the table where Luke was deep in a conversation with Adam. I glanced over and saw Elena and Carol at one of the pool tables, playing.

Good. I didn’t want to have to face either of them, knowing what they said to me. Elena was a small petty female to comment on my dress that way.

Luke reached over and took my hand, squeezing it under the table, giving me a quick affectionate smile.

‘You want to get out of here?’he mouthed when Adam was turned away, glancing at his wife by the pool table.

I nodded. ‘Good’ he replied.

He stood up and fastened his jacket. “Well, Adam,” Luke said. “It’s been a real pleasure getting together with you and the gang tonight, but my beautiful wife and I are both exhausted after being new parents for the past week and need our beauty sleep.”

Adam stood and he and Luke shook hands. “I totally understand,” he said. “Thanks for coming and for the enjoyable evening with us. I look forward to meeting with you this week to work on the details of the deal.”

“Me as well,” Luke said.

“Give our regards to the pool players when they get back,” I said when Adam shook my hand.

“I will,” Adam said and winked at me. “Good night.”

Then, we left.

“Thank God,” Luke said and pulled me out of the restaurant to the street where the limo was waiting. “I was bored to tears with Adam telling me about his last trip to Montana to go fly fishing…”

“At least he has a passion,” I said with a smile.

“Yes,” Luke said when we finished fastening our seatbelts. “I have one, too. You.”

He kissed me as the limo drove off.

I knew that whatever Elena or Carol — or anyone thought — that Luke found me desirable and loved me, maternity dress or not.