
* * *

On Saturday,my parents arrived in the afternoon before Luke and I were scheduled to leave for the city and the party with Hanson and the other investors.

While Luke and I dressed, my mother and father took turns spoiling Leif. I stood in the walk-in closet and stared at my reflection in the full-length mirror. I wore my coral blue dress that had a bit more room in the hips to accommodate my post-baby spread.

“You look gorgeous,” Luke said, coming up behind me, his arms around my waist. He caressed my body, his eyes on my reflection in the mirror. “Your breasts are magnificent. I wish we had more time before we left. I could take you right here and right now…”

I smiled and felt my cheeks heat at the sound of desire in his voice.

“We have the entire night alone at the apartment,” I said, my voice a bit husky with desire for him.

“I can’t wait,” he said and kissed my neck.

He glanced at his watch when it chimed, indicating that the limo was in the driveway. He sighed. “Time to go, M’Lady. Our coach awaits.”

I turned around and slipped my arms around his neck, pressing against his body. “I’m so glad everything worked out and we’re celebrating the deal instead of mourning it like we thought we’d be doing this weekend.”

“Me, too,” Luke replied.

We left the bedroom and went downstairs where my parents were playing with Leif on the living room floor. I knew once we left, they’d take turns carrying him around the yard, and generally doing indulgent grandparent things.

Leif was in good hands and would be cared for royally.

I’d banked some pumped breastmilk servings the previous two days, so there were lots in the freezer. Hopefully, they wouldn’t have any problems with Leif, and we would all enjoy our getaways — Luke and I with grownups in Manhattan and Mom and Dad enjoying some grandparent time with Leif at the beach house.

“Our limo has arrived,” I said when I got to the living room. “We’re off. Enjoy your time with Leif. Call us if you need to.”

“We’ll be fine, dear,” my mother said, smiling up at me. “You two have the time of your life at your celebration. Don’t even think of us. We raised you, after all. We know a thing or two about babies.”

“I know,” I said and bent down to stroke Leif’s little still-very-bald baby head. “I’ll call you later jut to check in.”

“Okay, sweetheart,” my father replied, smiling. “Go. Do some grownup things.”

Luke said goodbye and we left the beach house and went down the steps to our waiting limo. The driver was standing at the door, waiting for us to get inside.

“Mr. and Mrs. Marshall,” he said, his hand waving to the interior. “There’s a bottle of champagne inside.”

“Thanks,” Luke said and helped me inside.

I crept into my seat and waited until Luke got in beside me. Once he was inside, we fastened our seatbelts and Luke removed the cork from the bottle of champagne.

“You agreed to have a couple of glasses,” he said, reminding me that I had decided to have a drink or two to celebrate the deal. I’d have processed the alcohol by the time I had to nurse Leif, so I figured I could indulge for at least one night.

“I did,” I said and smiled, accepting the glass of champagne from him.

“To the deal,” Luke said and held up his glass of bubbly. “May it be the most successful joint venture in space ever and get us to the asteroid belt within the decade.”

“To the deal,” I replied and held up my own glass. We clinked glasses and then took a sip of the champagne. I made a face as the bubbles tickled my palate. “This is tasty. I never liked champagne when I was younger, but this I could drink.”

“That’s because you grew up drinking the bad kind,” Luke said. “This is the good kind, and it is very tasty.”
