I’m getting used to the sound of my name on her lips. I like it. A little too much. Way too much.

“How about you?” Her voice softens as she continues, “Did you have a good day?”

“Excellent.” I like this exchange. It feels normal. Like she cares. “I made good time with my deadlines.”

She huffs. “Why are you still working there?”

“Money?” I joke.

“Oh, come on. Look at this house and the car you’re driving, not to mention your bike. You don’t need the salary Gus pays you.” Studying me with clever awareness, she asks, “Are you ever going to tell me how you made all this money?”

I drop my arm to my side. “Curiosity killed the cat, remember?”

“Ah, but I’m your wife,” she says with a sassy attitude.

“Damn right, you are.” I steal a kiss. “Don’t ever forget that.”

“I can’t.” She crosses her arms. “You won’t let me.”

“Get a jacket,” I say, making my way to the door.

“Why?” she asks to my back.

“We’re taking a drive somewhere. I want to show you something.”

“Not before you tell me how the rest of your day was.”

I turn to look at her. Standing there, acting all brave and demanding, she makes me want to skip the outing I have in mind and take off her clothes. I want to pull her over my lap and then push her onto her knees. It’ll make me hard, but it’ll make her wet.

“I got it,” I say.

“You did?” She makes big eyes. “Everything?”


She chews her lip for a beat before asking, “Are you sure?”

“I did a deep search of Elliot’s desktop, laptop, and phone, as well as the equipment of the PI he hired to take the photos. I searched the office and the PI’s apartment. Whatever was there, is no longer.”

Dragging both hands over her face, she inhales deeply. “Does my mom know?”

“I delivered the USB key with the photos to her after work. She wanted to see them before destroying them herself.”

“Shit.” Her posture slumps. “Elliot can’t blackmail us any longer.”

Just thinking about that fucker makes my blood pressure rise. “No.”

“It’s almost too good to be true.”

“Oh, it’s true. You can relax now, darling.”

She works her lip between her teeth. “What do you think Elliot will do when he realizes the photos are gone?”

“Who cares? It’s not as if he can lay theft charges or complain to anyone.”

“He’ll lash out at you. He’ll know it was you.”

“What is he going to do?” I laugh. “Throw a few punches at me?”

“Be serious,” she says with a stern expression. “He’ll more than likely hire people to shoot you.”

“I can take care of myself. Now come. The night isn’t getting any younger.”

“Leon,” she says, wrapping her fingers around my wrist.

Fuck, yeah. I am getting used to the sound of that.

“What, darling?” I ask, my voice a little too hoarse.

“What about Elliot? You’re too proud to simply let it go. You can’t expose him without exposing my mom too.”

“Let me worry about Elliot.” My jaw tenses around that name. “He’s no longer your concern.”

Her breath catches. “Are you going to kill him?”

“No.” I grit my teeth. “Killing him is too easy.”