“About the photos.”

If possible, she pales more. “What photos?”

“Cut it out,” I say, balling my hands and cracking my knuckles. “I know Elliot is blackmailing her. The question is, Violet, what did Elliot blackmail you with?”

Her reply sounds breathless. “She shouldn’t have done that.”

“Well, darling, she did. She had an affair, and I’m guessing Elliot had her followed and photos taken. What I’m wondering is why he showed you the photos instead of your mom. Why ask you to convey his message? You know what I think? I think protecting his father wasn’t Elliot’s motive. He wanted something entirely different.”

She wets her lips with her tongue. “What are you implying?”

I narrow my eyes. “He blackmailed you to steal my program, and you did it to protect your mother.”

Leaning her palms on the counter behind her, she catches her weight on her arms. “If you already know, why are you asking?”

I ease up, letting her straighten. “I want to hear it from your lips. I want you to admit the truth.”

“Fine.” She turns her face to the side. “Elliot showed me the photos of my mom and her lover and said he’d show it to Gus if I didn’t…” She licks her lips again. “If I didn’t steal your work.”

I splay my fingers before clenching them again. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

Looking back at me quickly, she says through thin lips, “Because I didn’t know if you’d rat me out to Gus.”

Rat her out to Gus? Is she fucking serious? Did she think for one minute I’d risk her life?

“If Gus knew I’d stolen your program, he would’ve confronted Elliot,” she continues in a heated tone. “If Elliot was exposed as a fraud, he would’ve showed Gus the photos. Do you know what Gus would’ve done?” Her voice rises in volume. “He would’ve killed my mother.”

“You should’ve told me.”

“Tell you?” She scoffs. “I can’t trust anyone, least of all you.”

The minute the last part is out, she clamps her mouth shut and stares at me with round eyes. I’m not going to retaliate for that piece of truth.

“What are you going to do?” she asks on a shaky exhale.

“I’m going to find the evidence.”

She gasps. “Is that why my mom told you? She asked you to find the photos?”


She blinks. “Why would you do that?”

“Because if I don’t, Elliot will always have a sword to hold over your head.”

“You’re going to hack into his computer,” she says, fear bleeding into her eyes. “He has a laptop he never takes to the office. He must have various accounts in the cloud. He always keeps his desk locked. If he finds out you’ve been tampering with this stuff, he’ll show Gus those photos.”

Cupping her hips, I drag her closer. “You forget a crucial detail. I’m a much better hacker than Elliot.” I add with a quirk of my lips, “Or you.”

She stiffens. “There’s a chance you’ll get caught.”

“I won’t.”

“This is crazy. I can’t believe my mom asked you to do this.”

“You didn’t tell her Elliot blackmailed you or what he demanded in exchange for his silence.”

“To protect my mother,” she says softly. “What’s the point of making her suffer more than she already is for something she can’t change?” Shaking her head, she says, “I can’t believe she told you.”

“You should’ve told me.” I rub a thumb over her hip, on the side she takes the most strain from walking. “I know trust isn’t our thing, but I want us to try.”

Biting her lip, she searches my eyes. I know it’s hard for her. It’s hard for me too. But I can’t protect her effectively if she hides things from me.

“Put your faith in me,” I coax. “Lean on someone other than yourself for a change. Isn’t it exhausting to always take responsibility, to always be the parent?”

A little of the strength she holds on so tightly gives as she sags in my hold. I’ve long since come to my own conclusion about Violet’s relationship with her mother. I think Violet has always been the parent, even when she was supposed to be a child.