“You didn’t.” I reach over and cup her hand. Choosing my words carefully, I say, “It’s just not such a passionate subject for us.”

“Right.” She pulls away. “Why is it always the people who want to have children that can’t have them, and the ones who can don’t care?” Pulling her hands through her hair, she says, “Fuck. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. I’m just…”

“I know,” I say softly.

A meow sounds from the door. Tiger comes strolling into the kitchen. When he spots me, he makes a beeline for my legs and rubs against my calves.

“Leon seems to be from good stock,” she says.

I tear my gaze from Tiger to look at her. I know precious little about Leon’s background, but if she means that he’s good-looking, strong, and healthy, I have to agree.

She chews her lip before saying, “If Sam ever warms to the idea of a sperm donor, do you think—”

“No,” I say as her meaning sinks in. Clearing my throat, I soften my tone. “Leon… He’s just not that type of guy.”

She gives me a knowing smile. “Yeah. I didn’t really take him for the type.”

Busying myself with arranging the buns on a plate, I hide my expression from her. I don’t want her to see the selfish truth on my face, that I can’t stomach the idea of sharing Leon in any way.