“Who is it?”

“One of your students, Mark Clegg.”

“Mark?” she gasps, shaking her head. “Are you sure?”

“We are. He admitted to pretending to be someone else and carrying on a relationship with you over the dating app, then attempting to run over Zach Jordan in the high school parking lot, and later attempting to run over Mr. Bender, and firing a gun into your house.”

“He tried to run over Zach? I just don’t understand,” she says in disbelief.

“He was convinced that you and he were meant to be together, that he just needed to wait until he graduated to make his feelings known. But he also needed to make sure you stayed single until he was able to do that.”

“Oh my God.” She falls into my side, and I wrap my arms around her. “I just can’t understand this. He’s such a good kid.”

“Last night scared him. He knew he had gone too far and that he could have killed someone.”

“So what now?”

“That will be up to the courts to decide, but you should know you and Mr. Bender are no longer in danger.”

“Thank you.” I hear the tremble in her voice as her fingers tighten around my tee while both officers step toward the door.

“If you need anything, you have my number,” Detective Green says, and I lift my chin. “We’ll be in touch.”

“Have a good day.” She steps away from me to open the door for them, and once they are both out of the house, she turns back to face me. “I know I should feel relieved that the person responsible is in custody, but I’m sad that Mark’s whole life has been taken off course.”

“Doll.” I step toward her, and she holds up her hands.

“I mean, did I lead him on?” Her head shakes franticly. “Did I unknowingly make him believe we had some kind of connection?”

“I don’t think you did either of those things, baby.” I wrap my arms around her, and it takes a second for her to melt against me. “You have zero control over other people’s actions.”

“I know. I just never would have thought he’d do something like this. Last night, I was sure it was William up until the time he was shot.”

“How about we keep that between us?” I suggest, and she tips her head back to look at me and then lifts her fingers to my jaw.

“I hope Mark gets the help he needs.”

“I hope so too.” I turn my head and kiss her fingers. As pissed as I am at the kid for what he did, I get why he’d be drawn to her. Fuck, from the first moment I met her, I couldn’t stop myself from wanting more and more of her time, of wanting her all to myself.

“Is everything okay?” Bridgett asks, coming to the end of the hall while wringing her hands together, and Noah steps up behind her, the height and size difference between them almost comical.

“It’s all good. They got a confession out of the kid who shot William, and he’s in jail.” I start moving us down the hall. “Now.” I look between my sister and Noah. “You guys don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here,” I say simply, and May gasps while Noah laughs.

“Aiden,” she hisses.

“What?” I shrug.

“You guys do not have to leave.” She turns to look at my sister and Noah. “Please ignore him.”

“You one hundred percent need to go.”

“Stop saying that.” She glares at me.

“Babe, I’m fucking exhausted, and all I want to do is lie in bed with you and sleep without worrying for once,” I tell her, and her face goes soft.

“I need to go anyway,” Bridgett says, grabbing her bag. “I’m going to see Dad about getting a job.”

“You made your decision?” I study her closely, and she nods.

“I have an appointment with a lawyer Monday. Conner hasn’t filed for divorce, so I’m going to do it.”

“Good for you.” May walks to where she’s standing and gives her a hug. “And if you need anything, I’m here.”

“I appreciate that,” Bridgett says softly. “And thank you for being so nice to me even after I wasn’t very nice.”

“It’s water under the bridge,” May says and Bridgett nods then comes to me and gives me a hug before looking at Noah.

“Bye.” She waves and he lifts his chin.

“Later, babe.”

“I’ll walk you out.” May takes her arm and heads for the door.

“Is she okay?” Noah asks, following her with his eyes until she’s out of sight, and I shrug.

“I hope so.”

“I was surprised as fuck to see her here.”