Chapter 18


WHEN I NOTICEthe group of students who have been working in the library for the last hour start to pack up, I check the time and see there’s just fifteen minutes until the final bell. And since it’s Friday, I’m very much looking forward to the weekend and finally seeing everything we’ve been working on this week for prom come together.

Tonight, we will decorate and get everything set up, and tomorrow, the students attending prom will walk into an enchanted-garden-themed party and dance the night away while I hang out at home with Aiden. For the first time, we have zero plans, so there will be a whole lot of us doing nothing but spending time together and relaxing which sounds good to me after the last few weeks.

Getting up out of my chair, I grab my bag from the bottom drawer of my desk so I can start packing up, and when I turn back around, I jump when I see my student, Mark, standing across the counter holding two cups of coffee.

“You scared me.”

“Sorry.” He laughs. “I called out to you, but you must not have heard me.”

“Apparently not.” I shake my head, then ask, “What are you doing here?”

“I had last period free, so I thought I’d bring you and Mr. Jordan a coffee,” he says, referring to Zach.

“You’re the best.” I set the coffee next to my stuff on the desk after taking a sip. “Are you excited for tomorrow?”

“Kinda, I think my mom’s more excited than I am.”

“That will never change.” I wave at the kids who were here working as they leave, then turn my attention back to him. “Your mom will always be more excited about the things happening in your life than you are.”

“Yeah.” He shrugs. “I guess I’m just ready for this year to be over so I can graduate and start my life.”

“I get that, but being an adult isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, not with all the extra responsibilities that come along with it,” I tell him quietly, remembering being his age and wishing I could speed up time. “Enjoy not having to pay for things like garbage bags and shower cleaner while you can.”

“Maybe you’re right.” He smiles, then looks over at the library door when it’s opened and Principal Dunce steps inside. “I’m gonna drop this off to Mr. Jordan. I’ll see you next week.”

“Have a great time tomorrow, and please be safe,” I add, remembering my prom. And I assume the drinking and partying hasn’t changed much since I was in school.

“I will.” He waves over his shoulder, and Principal Dunce smiles at him as he passes by her.

“Hey, is everything okay?” I ask her, stopping what I’m doing and praying that my worst nightmare hasn’t come true and she’s found out about the video of Aiden and me and is now going to fire me.

“I have a huge favor to ask.”

“Okay, sure, what is it?”

My muscles relax.

“I need you to help chaperone the dance tomorrow.” She holds her hands together like she’s praying. “Please, there are eight teachers currently out with the flu, and five of them had volunteered to chaperone, so I’m scrambling.”

I want to say no—really want to say no—but of course, “Sure,” leaves my mouth, because she’s my boss and I know it will look bad if I don’t agree to help out.

“Thank you, do you know anyone else who might be able to help out?”

“Do they need to work for the school?” I ask, because most of the teachers I’m friendly with are already chaperoning.

“No, but I would need to approve them.”

“My boyfriend.” I put my hands in the same prayer position she used on me, and she sighs.

“All right, that’s fine.”

“Thank you.”

“I believe Toya is asking her husband, and a few other teachers are having their spouses help out as well, so hopefully we’ll have enough coverage for the night.”

“If I can think of anyone else, I’ll let you know.”

“Thank you.” She smiles, then looks toward the library doors when the bell rings and students start filling the halls. “I better get out there. I’ll see you tomorrow evening.”

“See you then.” I watch her leave, then finish packing up my stuff and lock up the library as I exit.