“I’m okay, just still trying to warm up.” I put on my jacket. “I’m May.”

“May?” he repeats, and Lord my name sounds really good when he says it in his deep, rumbly voice. “What you did for that kid was really brave. I pulled up just as you were dragging him out of the water. I thought both of you were going to go under.”

“Anyone who saw what was happening would have done the same.”

“Maybe.” He lifts his shoulders ever so slightly. “But it wasn’t anyone else who did it. It was you.”

“I’m just glad he’s going to be okay.” I shut the closet door and walk with him down the hall. When we step outside, I look down the block, and my stomach plummets when I see what looks like the entire neighborhood gathered around his truck and the ambulance that is now parked on the street with the back doors open.

“Umm…” I bite my lip, and Aiden turns to face me. “I think I’m just going to stay. It looks like they have it covered.” I take a step back toward my door. Really, the idea of being around so many people is too much for me, especially if they hear I’m the one who helped the kid. I don’t want or need that much attention. “Will you let the officer know where I live if he needs any information?”

Aiden’s gaze pings between me and the group of people down the block a couple of times before he focuses fully on me. “I’ll stick by your side if you’re worried about the attention.”

“No,” I blurt, feeling panicked, because that will for sure not help. I mean, I’m on edge being around him. Add to that the crowd of people, and I might just hyperventilate and pass out. “Sorry, I just mean....” My words taper off when sirens start up, and I look back down the street just in time to catch the ambulance doors closing right after the mom of the little boy gets into the back of it.

When my gaze moves back to Aiden, his expression is soft but filled with concern. “You sure you’re okay?”

“I’m sure.” I nod, and he lifts his chin ever so slightly.

“All right, then I guess I’ll see you around.”

“Yeah,” I lie, then whisper, “Thank you for helping today.”

“For sure.” He tucks his hands into the front pockets of his jeans, then leans back on his heels, looking like he wants to say something, but then he shakes his head. “Later, doll.”

“Later.” I open the door to my house and go inside, shutting it behind me. As I head for my room with plans to get into the shower, I feel like I’m missing something. Like something huge just happened… and that something has nothing to do with saving that little boy.