“He found out and lost it, told me to stop taking it and I told him no. That’s why he asked me for a divorce.”

“So you’d what—go back to him, get off birth control, and have his kid, just to live with him and be miserable?” Aiden asks, and my nose scrunches, because his question is valid, but the way he asked it was somewhat harsh.

“I’m scared.” She shakes her head, looking dejected. “I….” She swallows. “Without him, I don’t have anything.”

“Since I’m moving in here, you can stay at my place as long as you need, and I’m sure you could get a job if you tried. Hell, I’m sure Dad would offer you a job if you asked him.”

“You’re moving in?” I ask, and his eyes come to me while he crosses his arms over his chest.

“Doll, I live here already.”

“True, but don’t you think that’s something we should talk about?”

“Is it something we need to have a long-ass conversation over?”

“Probably not,” I mumble, thinking about the fact that I cleaned out a couple of drawers for him a few days ago and unpacked his bag while he wasn’t home, because having his duffle bag on the floor of the closet was annoying. Neither of us made a big deal of it when it was done, but then again, it didn’t need to be a big deal, because he’s been living with me for weeks, and I knew that wasn’t going to change.

“See? You can stay at my place until you get on your feet,” he tells her.

“If that’s what you want,” I add, because this really needs to be her choice, not anyone else’s. “No one should tell you how to live your life, so if being with him is what you want, I say go for it, but I think you need to really think about what you want and what makes you happy,” I say, and when she doesn’t reply, I get off my stool. “We should eat.” I walk around the island. “Will you get your sister some coffee?”

“Yeah, after you kiss me.”

“So bossy,” I mumble, and he smiles, touching his mouth to mine, and I squeeze his waist before I go to the oven and open it.

“I made a quiche and bacon. I hope that’s okay.” I look over at Bridgett, and tears are pooling in her eyes. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah.” She sniffles, taking the cup of coffee her brother gives her. “It’s just… seeing you guys, that’s what I want.”

“You can have it; you just need to be brave enough to be uncomfortable for a bit.” She nods, and I turn my attention back to the oven and pull out the quiche. “I hope you like veggies, eggs, cheese, and sausage.” I set the glass dish on the counter.

“I’m not picky,” she says as I grab the pan of bacon that has been in the warmer drawer, then take down three plates and start dishing out large pieces.

“You made this?” Bridgett asks in awe when I hand her one, and I smile as Aiden laughs.

“I did.”

“She’s an amazing cook.” He wraps his arm around my shoulders and kisses the side of my head.

“You’ll have to teach me,” Bridgett says after taking a bite off her plate, and I lean into her brother.

“I’d love that,” I reply softly, because I really would love to spend time with her, even if we didn’t get off on the right foot the first time we met. I hope we can find a way to become friends. More than that though, I hope she and her brother can find a way to put the past behind them and mend their relationship.