“No crying.” I laugh and cup her cheek. “I know you’re going to think I’m a dick for saying this, doll, but this is the bed she’s made for herself. She could’ve had a different life, but this is what she’s chosen for herself. Hopefully, this will be a wake-up call, and from here on out, she’ll surround herself with better people.” I slide my fingers back into her hair, then pull her forward to kiss her. “Now, are you ready to go meet my dad?”


I drop a kiss to her forehead, then let her go and get out of my truck. When I get around to the passenger side, I open it and take the bouquet of flowers she got my dad before helping her down, then give it back to her.

Hand in hand, we walk to the front door and wait after I ring the bell, and it doesn’t take long for the door to be opened by Marla, who greets us with a warm smile.

“Your dad has been waiting anxiously for you two to arrive,” she tells us, holding the door open, then smiles at May when I introduce them. “Nice to meet you.”

“You too,” May tells her in her soft, sweet voice.

“Sorry we’re late. We had to deal with some unexpected stuff that came up this afternoon,” I inform Marla as she closes the door, and I notice she’s not in the scrubs she’s normally got on when I’ve stopped by but instead is wearing a pair of jeans and a sweater with her feet bare.

“That’s okay. He’ll just be happy you’re here now.” She heads down the hall toward the office, and I keep a firm hold on May’s hand as we enter the room.

“Hey, Dad.” I walk over to where he’s sitting up, with May at my side, and the first thing I notice is that his color has improved along with his mobility as he turns his head and smiles at us. “You’re looking good.”

“That’s Marla’s doing,” he says slowly, and I glance over at the woman and watch her blush.

“It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Bender,” May says, giving him the flowers, and he looks down at them like he’s never seen flowers before as she awkwardly places them on his lap. Then again, I doubt my dad has ever been given flowers in his life.

“Brice,” he says, looking up at her. “You’re May.”

“I am.” She leans in to me.

“Asher’s daughter,” he continues, and my spine stiffens.

“I am,” she says quietly, letting my hand go so she can place hers on my back and rub it.

“Herbert speaks fondly of you,” he says after a moment, then his eyes meet mine. “I’m sorry.”

“What?” I take a seat on the chair behind me and drag May down to sit on my lap, not giving a fuck if it’s not appropriate, because I want her close.

“The gala… and auction. I’m sorry.”

“That wasn’t your fault, and you know how Mom and Bridgett can be,” I say, and he nods, not looking any happier.

“I’m just going to take these to the kitchen to put them in some water and give you guys a few minutes alone,” Marla inserts, and I watch my dad start to lift his hand and open his mouth like he wants to stop her but instead thinks better of it.

“I’m glad to see you’re doing so much better,” I tell him softly when the door closes behind Marla, and he drags his eyes off where she disappeared to look at me.

“I hate this.”

“Hate what?”

“Being stuck here.” He lifts his hand to encompass the room. “When I get better, things are going to change.”

“I hope those changes include you not working all the time,” I admit, and he nods while his hand forms a fist.

“What’s the first thing you want to do?” May asks him softly.

“Go to Canada,” he says, then adds, “Marla and I have been watching a show about a treasure there.”

“Oh my God, is it Oak Island?” May asks, wiggling on my lap in excitement and Dad nods while he smiles. “I want to go too. Every season, I can’t wait to see what they find on the island. The whole thing is just so interesting, because you know there has to be something there, right?” she says, wiggling some more. “I mean how could there not be after everything they have found.”

“Maybe we can all go visit the island together,” he tells her, and she turns her head to look at me, and the smile on her face takes my breath away.

Fuck, I’m in love with her. When or how it happened, I do not fucking know, but Jesus, I love this woman.

“What?” She laughs, looking at me, and I shake my head.