Chapter 10


WAKING TO MYarm asleep, I start to move but stop when the warm, soft woman in front of me wiggles her ass back against my lap, causing my already hard cock to harden further. I squeeze my eyes closed and fight back a tortured groan, not wanting to wake her up, knowing she didn’t get much sleep. Not that she’s tired from spending the night getting better acquainted with each other, no. Last night, after I mentioned having a headache, she convinced herself I had a concussion and refused to let me drive home.

Though, I never fought her on staying over. Sleeping near her even if she was in the next room was better than going home with only Dozer to keep me company. Which reminds me that I need to buy Noah a bottle of scotch for agreeing to go pick him up last night and take him to his place.

Coming out of my thoughts, I look over my shoulder at the clock on the wall. I’m not sure what time she normally wakes up to get to school, but I’d guess it’s soon, which sucks, because I don’t want to lose the feeling of her being pressed against me. Last night after about the fifth time she came to check on me, I grabbed her hand and pulled her down on the couch, refusing to let her go. She didn’t put up much of a fight though.

It took about ten seconds for her to relax against me but a lot longer than that for her to fall asleep. I could tell she was waiting for me to make a move, but I don’t want to push her too far too fast, so instead, I kissed her forehead and just held her. It was the first time I’ve slept with a woman without sleeping with a woman. Totally new for me, but everything with her is new. I’ve never felt possessive or the need to chase someone before her, but fuck if she runs, I’ll follow.

With it being a little after six, I squeeze her hip, then run my hand down the soft material covering her thigh, smiling when she makes a cute little noise. Last night, I thought she looked beautiful in the dress and boots she had on when I arrived. But then she came out of her room wearing a tank top, some fuzzy-looking shorts, and a sweater to match, with her feet bare and her hair up in a bun. As she cooked us dinner, which was actually delicious, I had to hold myself back from grabbing her around her waist, walking her back to the couch, and finding out just how her lips tasted with that color painted on them. I’m not sure if it was the fact that she was so comfortable dressing down around me, or if it was just her, but I couldn’t keep my eyes or my hands off her whenever I got the chance to touch her.

“Doll.” I place my lips behind her ear. “It’s probably time for you to wake up.” I feel her shiver, and her body gets tight for a moment before she relaxes.

“What time is it?”

“Almost six thirty,” I tell her, and she rolls to face me, which causes blood to rush down my arm to my hand that’s asleep. Fuck, even first thing in the morning without makeup, she’s gorgeous.

“How are you feeling?” She reaches up and softly touches the cut on my lip, which isn’t as bad as she made it out to be.

“Better.” I grab her wrist and kiss her fingers, watching up close as her pupils dilate. “Did you sleep okay?”

“Yes.” She frowns. “But I hate cuddling.”

“Me too,” I admit, even though I could become addicted to sleeping with her just like this every night. “What time do you need to leave for work?”

“By eight.” She lets out a long breath. “I have to get up and ready.” She rests her hand on my stomach and pushes back to her knees. “Feel free to make yourself something to eat.” She tosses her leg over mine while I swallow down the urge to ask her if eating her for breakfast is an option. Before she can climb off the couch, I capture her hips, listening to her gasp as I drag her up my body until she’s laid out on top of me, with her face close to mine.

“I need a kiss before you leave me.”

“Need?” Her eyes drop to my mouth, and I smile as I move my hand up her back and into her hair.

“Yes, I need a kiss.”

“I haven’t brushed my teeth.”

“Does it look like I care?” I don’t urge her forward. I wait and watch as she nibbles her bottom lip before leaning in and touching her lips to mine. The soft kiss, with her breasts pressed against my chest and her heat so close to my cock, leaves me wanting more, but I let her set the pace. I half expect her to pull back, having given me what I wanted, but then she comes back for more, and her tongue touches my bottom lip.

I lose the control I was trying to hold on to when she whimpers, and I take over, holding her head just how I want it so I can feed from her mouth. As her hips roll against me and her neck falls back on her shoulders, I kiss down her throat while my name falls from her lips. Hard as a rock, I find her mouth again, then flip her to her back and slow the kiss before I pull back.

“Aiden.” She reaches for me, and it kills me a little to not continue touching her, especially with her eyes glossed over with need and her lips swollen from my kiss.

“You have to get to work,” I groan, adjusting myself in my boxers. “There is not enough time for me to do all the things I want to do to you, and there is no way I’m going to rush things,” I tell her, and she pouts slightly, making me grin. “What do you normally eat for breakfast?”