“And now?”

“More of the same… with some colorful language thrown in.”

“And for the last two days, you’ve been ignoring me.”


“And in that time, have I given you any indication that I’m pissed, even though I’ve been pissed that you’ve been fucking ignoring me?” He leans in, and my chest feels like a weight has settled on it.


“The answer to that is no,” he cuts me off and rubs his hand over his mouth as I stare at him, unsure what to say. Then again, I don’t need to say anything, because it’s obvious I’m an idiot.

I don’t know who Mike is, and even if it all seems like too much of a coincidence that Mike started texting me again after I gave Aiden my number, I see now that it is just that. A coincidence and nothing more.

“Jesus, I’m done,” he mutters, turning for his truck, and I open my mouth to apologize, to tell him that I’m an idiot, to explain he scares me and that I’m freaked out about the idea of liking him when he could go back to England, and that would be crushing.

“Aiden, I—”

“Do me a favor.” He opens his door, then his head turns my direction, and his eyes lock on mine. “Talk to the police about that guy. You can never be too careful.” Then, without another glance my way, he swings up into his truck and slams the door shut. And a moment later, the engine roars to life, and he backs out of my driveway.

With my nose stinging and my arms wrapped around my middle, I stand out in the cold long after his taillights have disappeared out of sight, knowing I messed up huge but unsure how to fix it. Or even if fixing it is possible.