I peered at Levin who'd watched the scene unfold without an ounce of emotion on his face, but when he glanced at me, there was something in the blue depths of his eyes. It flashed through them quickly before he got a handle on it and schooled his expression.

“Dom? The dress?” Levin called out, holding the bag up.

Dom swallowed. “Give me a moment. I, uh, need to talk to her. Make sure Stella has everything she needs to get Bianca ready.”

He smoothed down his suit with a trembling hand.

“Dom.” I stepped forward.

He looked at me, and, for the first time, I saw fear in his eyes. “Yeah?”


Surprise crossed his face. “What?”

I shook my head. “Don’t talk to her. I’ll help Stella get her ready. Just meet us down there. Have a drink with Levin or something to relax.”

Dom blew out a breath and nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, that sounds good.”

I grabbed the garment bag from Levin and then snagged Stella by the arm, hauling her toward the stairs, her bag still in her hand.

Dom was nervous. Terrified. I guessed I would be too if I was set to marry someone who'd probably smash her head into my face the moment she met me at the end of the aisle. Despite the certainty of violence, Dom was a lucky man. B was one hell of a catch.

This was fucked up though. She’d escaped one arranged marriage only to fall right into another one. I hoped she understood this was Dom’s way of saving her even if he would be breaking her spirit and probably her heart.

He was willing to force her into this, willing to risk his own life, willing to make a baby with her all in the hopes of saving her life because Matteo wouldn’t kill his own grandchild. I knew Dom needed a male heir to keep his father happy. Bianca’s pregnancy would keep her safe until we figured something else out. And who knew? Maybe Matteo would welcome her with open arms. I doubted it, but weirder shit had happened.

“He’s not going to tell her she’s getting married? He’s not going to propose?” Stella asked as I led her upstairs.


“You know, I don’t really like Bianca all that much, but even I have to admit this is fucked. You do realize you’re doing the same thing to her that Hail was going to do, right?”


“Then why do it?” She jerked out of my hold and glared at me.

“Why the fuck are you so pissed? It’s not like you’re being forced into marrying him.”

She rolled her eyes. “Like I’d complain. He’s Dominic De Santis.”

It was my turn to roll my eyes. “Yes, all hail King Dom.”

“You’re an idiot,” she grumbled. “I don’t know how you’re missing the point, but since you are, I’ll spell it out for you. This is her wedding day. It’s the most important day in a girl’s life. They plan this for years. They dream of their dress. The venue. The perfect man. The romantic proposal. So yeah, he’s messing this up before he starts. She’s going to hate this.”

“B loves Dom. She told him.”

“That was before Levin knocked her ass out after holding a gun to her head under Dom’s command.”

“Levin needs to keep his mouth shut,” I grumbled.

“It was a long car ride, and he got pissed because I tried to get him to fuck me.”

I snorted. “Levin isn’t going to fuck you, Stella. Ever.”

“Why?” she asked with a pout.

“Because he fucking hates the lords, and you’ve been letting Hail and the guys take you to pound town since freshman year. It’s never going to happen.” I paused. “Plus, he’s in love with B.”

“Has he told her? Has he even fucked her?”

“Not any of your business.”

She let out a laugh. “That’s what I thought. I still have a chance.”

“Try it. You’ll get your ass kicked. Levin doesn’t fuck around. His temper is always simmering just below the surface like Dom’s is. The only difference is Dom usually explodes right off the bat. Levin lets it stew and brew if you catch my meaning. That’s probably worse.”

She shrugged. “What about you?”

“Not interested.”

“We’ve had sex before—”

“I was hard up.”

“Mm, I remember how hard.” She reached for me, and I shoved her hand away.

“Not happening either. Chill the fuck out, you nympho bitch. Just do your job. Stay in your lane. Dom isn’t the only one who'll string your dead body up.”

She flinched away from me and straightened her back. “Whatever. You won’t be able to handle seeing Dom with her. You’ll come around.” She fixed a beauty pageant smile on her face.

I shook my head at her. Bitch was crazy. I had to admire her optimism though.

“Let’s just get B ready. Don’t say shit about the wedding.” I moved to Bianca’s door and pulled the key out of my pocket.

“So you’re just going to shove her down the aisle?” Stella let out a laugh, shaking her head in disbelief. “You’re all idiots. I’m glad I’m here to see this.”

“Shut the fuck up,” I grumbled pushing open the door only to get smacked in the head with a lamp.

My vision darkened as I stumbled back. Stella let out a shriek and dove aside as B took a swing at her too.

This was the third time she’d attacked me in a day. There wouldn’t be a fucking fourth.