“Hey,” a gorgeous blond guy said as I waited at the bar for my drink.

Dom had set up a running tab for us. I didn’t plan on drinking a lot. I just wanted a little bit before we went home. It had been so long since I’d had any damn fun, so I was going to take full advantage as long as I could.

“Hey,” I said, tapping my fingers on the bar.

Aubrey had gone off to the bathroom, and I’d promised to get drinks. I knew the guys were in the VIP area probably with eagle eyes on us, so I had no worries in my body as the guy leaned next to me, his rich cologne wafting out at me.

“What’s your name?” he asked, his gaze skirting up my body.

I swallowed and gave him a nervous smile. “Bianca.”

“Pretty.” His blue eyes twinkled. “I’m Cole.”

“Nice to meet you,” I said, shaking the hand he offered.

“Are you here with anyone tonight? Pretty girls like you shouldn’t be alone in places like this.”

“Because of creeps?” I asked, cocking my head at him and narrowing my eyes.

He grinned. “Yes. Because of creeps. So are you alone?”

“I’m not. My friend is in the bathroom. My husband is upstairs. He’s probably watching you right now.”

“Husband? Aren’t you a little young to be tied down?”

“We’re unconventional,” I said, glancing back to see where the bartender was with my drinks.

“I hear that.” He ran his fingers through his hair.

A ring on his thumb caught my eye. It was pretty with a small gemstone embedded in it.

The guy was fit, I’d give him that. He probably had girls hanging off him left and right. He was about the size of my guys. Reminded me of them—muscles, height, looks. His clothes screamed money. His attitude said he was probably high maintenance. And maybe a little crazy, judging by the way his blue eyes kept darting around the crowd.

“Are you here alone?” I ventured as I continued to wait for my drinks. May as well make small talk.

“No, doll. I’m not alone. I’m here with my boys.”

“Picking up chicks?”

“Hardly,” he said with a laugh.

“Picking up guys?”

His grin widened. “You’re funny. I like that. But no. Not guys either. Just out having a good time. So, what’s your husband’s name?”

“That’s random,” I muttered.

“Not really. What’s his name so I know who to congratulate when I meet him for snagging such a beautiful girl?” He winked at me.

“Dominic,” I said, crinkling my brows at him as I tried to figure him out.

He was a lot of pomp and smiles for someone with crazy written in his eyes.

“De Santis?”

I licked my lips. “You know him?”

“We haven’t been formally introduced yet. But we will before the night is over.” He slid a twenty onto the bar. “It’s on me. Be safe out there, Bianca. Don’t go anywhere alone. Plenty of creeps out there.”

“Thanks,” I said, watching as he turned and disappeared into the crowd.

What a strange guy.

“Here you go,” the bartender called out, pushing two fruity drinks at me.

I nodded to the twenty, and he took it, thanking me.

“Girl, tell me one of those is mine,” Aubrey said, coming up to me.

“Yeah, some guy bought them for us,” I said, scanning the crowd for him.