“You need to slow the fuck down. I can’t understand what you’re saying when you’re crying,” Hail snapped as Celeste blubbered in front of us in his room that night.

I’d gotten the message from Dom that he was headed off campus with Bianca and the kings to celebrate Aubrey’s birthday. He’d said they didn’t plan on being gone long. Beats. That was where he was going.

I hated I was stuck behind with the lords, watching them get high while Tate got a blow job from some no-name, scholarship chick.

“Levin left campus with her. Bianca,” Celeste said as Stella came in and took a seat beside me.

I cast her a cursory glance then turned my attention back to Celeste and Hail.

“Why do I give a fuck?” Hail asked. “You’re not exactly welcome here, Celeste. Not after you fucked Drake over.”

“I didn’t,” she exclaimed, wiping her nose. “Can you just listen? Please? Dominic De Santis is gone tonight. All the kings are. They have Bianca and Aubrey McIntire with them.”

“They’re off campus?” Hail perked up. “Where did they go?”

“I know about the horsemen and the shooting the kings did on them. Daddy told me it was really tragic. If I tell you, I want your protection if anything happens.”

Hail nodded as I sat forward. Stella nudged my thigh.

“We’ll make sure you’re taken care of. I heard about Seeley leaving you high and dry for Bianca.”

“He hurt me. He used me. I want him to pay. I thought maybe you could tip off those horsemen guys and tell them where to find the kings tonight.”

Shit. Fuck. This bitch…

“I like the way you think. Tell me, and I’ll see what I can do.” Hail gave her a wicked smile.

“You promise you’ll protect me?” She stared at him with wide eyes.

“Of course, I will.” Hail held his hands out as Drake pulled his phone out.

Fuck… damnit…

“Tell me where the kings and their whore are.”

“They went to this new club called Beats for Aubrey’s birthday. They’re there right now.” Celeste let out a breath. “I want Bianca to die.”

“Ah, come on now. I don’t want that. Not yet,” Hail said, glancing to Drake.

Tate grinned like the fucking lunatic he was. Trent smirked at me. I grinned, playing the part but dying inside to get to the kings and Bianca so I could let them know shit was going to go down.

“Well, I want them to suffer,” she whined with a sniffle. “So however you can make that happen would be good.”

“Sure. Trent. Make the call.” Hail leaned back in his seat.

“We need to do something,” Stella hissed.

The only way to get out of there was to fuck my way out. I grasped her hand and pressed my lips to hers. She went stiff beneath my mouth before she fell into it, her tongue gliding along mine.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake. Get a room,” Hail grumbled as Stella took the lead and straddled my lap, her fingers in my hair as she ground against me.

For fuck’s sake. She was a hell of an actress.

“I know we have shit going on, man, but I’d like to leave,” I said as Stella buried her face in my neck and sucked along my flesh. I wanted to flick her fucking nose and listen to her yelp just to get her lips off me, but I held it together.

“Is Stella the chick you’re getting close to?” Hail’s gaze raked over us. “You said you liked someone. Is it Stella? Because Stella is mine. I don’t mind loaning her out, but she’ll never belong to you guys.”

“No,” I said as she continued to kiss my neck. “I don’t think that’s going to work out, so I need to blow off this steam.”

“Fine. Go. Trent is making the call. We’ll just be sitting here waiting for an update anyway. No way we’re getting involved in that fuck-fest. The horsemen are out for blood and will take the kings out for us. We’ll swoop in and kill them once they’re done with the kings. Sovershenstvo.”

“Thanks, man. Let me know how it goes. I’ll, uh, try to answer if you call.” I got to my feet, bringing Stella with me as she continued to paw at me.

I grabbed her ass, and she giggled. I led her from the room to the sound of catcalls.

The moment we were in the hall, I shoved away from her and ran with her on my heels.

“Where the hell are you going?” she asked as we made it outside.

“We gotta get to Beats. Call Dom. Try to warn him.” I pulled my keys out and broke into a jog.

Stella stayed next to me. We reached my new car, and she slid into the passenger seat with her phone pressed to her ear.

“You should stay here.”