Iwatched as Bianca sashayed toward me in her slinky, red dress, her blonde hair tumbling around her in soft waves.

“Look at you,” I murmured as she did a little spin in front of me.

“Do you like it?” she asked, a nervous edge to her voice as she fidgeted with the crown necklace I’d given her.

“Like it? Baby B, I fucking love it.” I placed a kiss on her lips, making her giggle.

“Come on,” Dominic ordered. “Levin is waiting downstairs.”

Bianca stepped away from me and moved into Dom’s waiting embrace. He immediately wrapped his arm around her waist and led her out. I followed and took her hand. He shot me a smirk over her head. Now that the entirety of Bolten knew she was our girl, we didn’t bother to hide it. I kissed her when I wanted. Levin touched her when he wanted. And Dom. . . well, he did what he’d always done—anything he damn well pleased.

We’d agreed tonight would be a quick outing then we’d come back to Dom and B’s room and relax. We’d all get a fast break from campus and then be back before midnight. It should go off without a hitch.

When we made it outside, Levin was already waiting, having a heated argument with Celeste. I tightened my hold on B’s hand because I knew she was getting tired of Celeste not giving up.

“What are you doing here?” Dom demanded as Aubrey came into view, looking nervously at the situation in front of her.

Her green halter dress looked good on her. I admired her for a moment, glad B had a decent friend in her. Aubrey made it a point to bring Bianca coffee every morning. Sometimes I’d sit outside Aubrey’s dorm as they did girly shit together.

“I need to talk to Levy.” Celeste gave Dom a defiant glare.

“Celeste, you need to let go. Levin has moved on—”

“With your wife,” she cut in, pointing at B. “The fact that you’re OK with it sickens me! She doesn’t have half what I have or could give to him! He said he hated her. That she was trash—”

“I never said that,” Levin snarled. “Get the fuck out of here. You’re really pissing me off, Celeste. I told you we’re over. I got some mediocre pussy and some shitty blow jobs. The best thing I got out of you was a weapons deal with your old man.”

Her nostrils flared. “You’ll be sorry. All of you.”

She swept away, leaving us to stare after her.

Levin turned to B once Celeste was out of sight. “I never said that shit, Bianca. I fucking swear I didn’t.”

Bianca went to him and wrapped her arms around him. He hugged her back and blew out a breath.

“I know. And even if you did, you were entitled to your anger. I deserved it after the shit I put us through.”

He tipped her head back and placed a kiss on her lips. “I didn’t say it.”

“I believe you.”

He smiled down at her. “You look hot as fuck. I’m going to enjoy peeling this off you later.”

“We’re going to enjoy peeling it off her later,” I corrected him.

Dom let out a soft laugh. Aubrey’s face reddened, and she laughed, bumping shoulders with B.

And B? She grinned like she’d won the lottery. I liked to think she had. I was a helluva catch. These other fucks were bonuses.

“Come on,” Dom said, nodding for us to follow.

Levin held B’s hand, both seemingly happy just being next to each other. It was a nice change. For once, this shit was working out.

I strolled beside Dom and watched as he sent a text to Fallon about what we were doing. The poor bastard hadn’t gotten any more of B since our night together. The lords and Dom kept him busy, but he never complained. Honestly, he was a good guy. I actually enjoyed the bit of time I’d been around him. The fact he loved my baby B to bits made it easier to like him.

“You going to tell B about her dad?” I asked as we continued toward the parking lot, Levin and B ahead of us with Aubrey.

“No. I’m still digging for more info. If he was a double agent, I want to make sure I know it before I go out and throw around accusations. Levin got the info from Celeste. We don’t know much past what she and the F-Word collected.”

I smiled at the nickname for Fallon. Guy could fuck. I’d see him bring B to the brink of explosion. No wonder she had a lady boner for him. Hell, even I couldn’t deny he was pure sex.

Made me want to up my game even more.

We reached the gates and got into Dom’s blacked-out SUV. B got into the very back with Levin. Aubrey sat in the middle row, and I got in the passenger seat. Before long, we were rolling down the highway, everything going smoothly and music playing. I turned to see Levin and B making out in the back. Aubrey gave me a frazzled smile, and I snickered. I was going to make it my mission tonight to get her laid. She deserved a good fucking.