When he broke away, I was breathless.

“Sorry, bumblebee,” he murmured, thumbing my bottom lip. He spun away from me and glared at Celeste, who was staring at us with her mouth hanging open and tears in her eyes.

“You were right. I did have some weird crush on her. Apparently, she loves me too. So I’m here for it. And you need to not be.” Levin twined his fingers through mine. “We’re over, Celeste.”

I knew we had an audience. I could see people gawking from the corner of my eye. Yet Dominic didn’t intervene. He simply stood silently behind us.

“We are not over, Levy. I’ll make sure you’re back with me in no time,” she snarled dangerously, her entire demeanor changing. “And I’ll make sure she’s dead.”

This time Dominic did snap into action. He moved swiftly and was in her face in moments.

“Fucking try it,” he growled. “If so much as a frown touches my wife’s lips because of something you did, you’ll regret your fucking existence.” He reached out and gripped her face tightly. She peered up at him, fear evident in her eyes.

“I’ll make sure your death is long and painful. Now go fuck off somewhere.” Dominic released her.

She stumbled back. The hatred in her eyes sent a chill through me. Dominic stepped away from her and leaned in, kissing me while not pulling me from Levin.

“I love you, mia regina,” he said against my lips before backing off.

“Well, shit. I love you too,” Vincent said, sweeping me from Levin and dipping me before planting his lips on mine.

I kissed him back and let out a soft giggle when he righted me, a twinkle in his dark eyes.

“I didn’t like feeling left out,” he said when I shook my head at him.

“Guess the cat’s out of the bag now,” Levin said, glancing around at everyone gawking at us.

“It was going to happen eventually.” Vincent pushed me into Dominic’s arms, who immediately held me close.

“Yeah, I suppose,” Dominic said with a sigh.

I followed his gaze to the lords, who were glaring daggers in our direction. Fallon offered us a quick smile before he schooled his face and put on a show with the rest of the lords.

“Come on. I’m hungry. All that animosity worked up my appetite.” Vincent sauntered away from us, and Levin laughed.

“Fucking guy,” Levin muttered.

“Aubrey, come on. We need to plan for this party of yours,” Vincent called out.

Aubrey widened her eyes at me before scampering to catch up with Vincent, who was off and running with party plans.

“Are you mad?” I asked Dominic as I walked between him and Levin.

“No.” He smiled over at Levin. “This is the happiest I’ve been in a long time.”

Levin reached out and took my hand while Dominic kept his hand on my waist.

“Same, man. Same.”

I couldn’t argue, so I walked with my two kings, eager for the weekend.