“My birthday is this weekend,” Aubrey said as we strolled through campus together a week later.

Levin, Vincent, and Dominic trailed behind us somewhere.

We hadn’t heard a word about Matteo wanting to kill either of us, but Vincent said it didn’t mean he wasn’t still considering it. According to Vincent’s dad, Matteo was doing what Dominic had said, waiting, watching. Probably anticipating that the horsemen were going to kill us since they were still a very real threat.

Fallon reported the lords had been doing the same as Matteo, hoping and waiting. The ball was in the horsemen’s court it seemed.

“Is it?” I asked. “We should celebrate!”

“I was thinking we could hit up Beats. It’s this new club that opened. It could be a lot of fun.” Aubrey stopped and looked at me. “Do you think they’d let you go with me?”

I knew she was talking about the kings. I was pretty sure she knew my situation with the three of them and Fallon without me saying a word. She’d caught Levin kissing me in the library two days ago, and Vincent didn’t bother to hide his affection when she was with me. And she’d been the one who helped me see Fallon earlier in my relationship with him.

“Let her go where?” Dominic and his damn bionic hearing.

“It’s Aubrey’s birthday this weekend,” I explained. “She wants to go to Beats and celebrate.” I waited for him to say no.

He looked from me to Aubrey, who shrank away from his gaze.

“Beats?” Vincent stopped beside us. “I’m in.”

“We really shouldn’t leave campus,” Levin said, joining us. “All things considering.”

“Don’t be such a stick in the mud, Seeley. We’re kings. We don’t cower and hide.” Vincent looked at me and winked. “Right, B?”

I smirked. “I’d like to go, but it’s Dominic’s decision. Levin is right. It could be risky.”

Dominic’s gaze swept over me quickly. “I’ll bring some of the court with us. We won’t stay too long. Then we can come back to my room and party more.”

“Really?” I asked, surprised he’d agreed.

“Yes. Vincent is right. We’ll look like pussies if we just stay on campus. We’ll have our guys with us. We should be fine for a few hours.” Dominic took my hand and pulled me to him, placing a kiss on my wedding ring. “Are you agreeable to my terms, wasp?”

“Yes,” I answered, biting my bottom lip as I peered back at him.

“Good.” He hauled me closer and draped his arm around my waist.

Celeste seemed to pop out of nowhere.

“Levin.” She stood behind us.

If I had to guess, she’d heard everything we’d been talking about. Levin had said their breakup hadn’t gone well. She’d threatened to kill herself if he left, and he’d left her his knife to do it with.

Sounded like a total Levin thing to do. But even I could feel for her. Levin was a hell of a catch.

He groaned and closed his eyes before he turned to look at her. “Celeste, I told you to stop. We’re done.”

“I just want to talk,” she said, taking a step closer. “I miss you, Levy. I-I’m sorry for whatever I did.”

“You need to go. I’m not going to tell you again.” Levin shot me a quick look.

I knew he cared about what I thought and felt, but I didn’t want him to think I’d be mad over this. Sure, she was annoying, but this needed to be handled.

“You text and call me all hours of the night. I said we were over. I meant it. Understand that, Celeste,” Levin continued.

“You said you met someone else,” she whispered. “I want to know who. I think you’re lying to me because you need time to think. All you have to do is be honest, Levy. I’ll understand. I swear I will.” She closed the space between them and rested her hands on his chest.

I started to step forward and tear her hands off him, but Dominic tightened his hold on me.

“Let this happen,” he whispered in my ear.

I swallowed down my anger and waited for Levin’s move.

“I did meet someone else. Now stop your shit, Celeste.”

“I don’t believe you,” she said, her bottom lip trembling. Celeste looked like a disaster. Usually she was so put together. Today, her hair was a wild mess, and her mascara was smudged like she’d been crying before she accosted him.

“You’re choosing them over us, Levy. I-I can let it go. I won’t make you choose. I understand they’re your friends. I think given some time though, you could find new friends. Ones who aren’t so dangerous—”

“What do I have to do to prove to you we’re over?” he snapped at her. “I’m sick of the late night phone calls and texts. I’m tired of you cornering me every chance you get. This is my crew. There was never a fucking choice, Celeste.”

“But Levy… Just… please. I only want to know the truth. You keep telling me you met someone else, but if you did, she isn’t here. That’s why I think it’s a lie—”

“You want fucking proof, Celeste? Is that what you need to get your shit sorted?” He stomped over to me and hauled me out of Dominic’s hold.

Then Levin pressed his mouth to mine right in the center of the courtyard. The place was packed with students. When Dominic didn’t punch him in the face and tear me away, I fell into the kiss, tangling my fingers in his hair as his tongue danced with mine while his hands gripped my ass.