Vincent took a picture of me naked and sent it off to Dominic, I assumed.

“He’ll enjoy that,” he said as he moved in to kiss me.

I fell into the kiss easily. I was ready to beg him to move his hand from my breast to my aching pussy. He must have known it too because he laughed softly against my lips.

“What’s wrong, B?” he asked. “Do you want something from me?”

“Yes,” I whined.

A knock on the door made him ease away from me. He shot me a smirk before he got to his feet. I immediately covered myself with my blanket as Vincent answered the door.

“About time,” he said, opening the door wider.

Fallon came into the room looking windswept.

“Sorry,” he mumbled, turning to find me. The moment his gaze landed on me, he swooped forward and dragged me from beneath the covers, holding me to him. “Mm, princess.”

“Hey,” I said, squeezing him back.

He tilted my chin up and kissed me. “I missed you,” he murmured, pecking at my lips.

“You’ve been drinking,” I said back, my nose wrinkling.

“I’m not going to lie. I drank a little, and I’m high as fuck right now.”

“Man, what the fuck?” Vincent said, coming to sit beside me. “You’re always high.”

“I hang out with fucking lords. Of course, I’m always high,” Fallon shot back. “If you don’t get high, you get fucked with. I don’t need any reason to be fucked with right now.”

“Whatever. I was going to spark up too, so I shouldn’t bitch.” Vincent reached into his pocket and pulled out a joint.

Fallon tossed a baggie of white powder at him. “Try this instead.”

Vincent took it and stared down at it, a frown on his face. “What is it? I don’t snort coke, man. Not anymore. I got so fucked on it one time that I lost my car and woke up in a dumpster with twelve rats fucking on me. I swore that shit off for good.”

Fallon let out a huff of laughter. “It’s not coke. It’s powdered sugar from the horsemen. Drake gets it for us. It’s really good shit. The high comes in these intense waves. And you can’t overdose on it.”

“Tell that to the fucking leopard and protein pants you were wearing,” Vincent muttered.

“I shot up with it, OK? Shit was a bad batch. I’ve already tried this tonight. It’s good. The great thing about sugar is there aren’t any cravings for it after the high wears off. Like I’m totally fine.”

“Have you been… addicted before?” I asked, cocking my head as I pulled the blanket up over my body again.

“Nah. Not really. I did heroin a few times, which can be a real bitch, but I stay away from that shit now. Drake knows it’s a hard limit for me.”

“But you’ve done coke?” I pressed as I examined him.

“Yes,” he answered. “I’ve done a lot of fucking drugs, princess. Acid, heroin, coke, addy, Molly, sugar, weed. Anything you can think of, I’ve tried. Except meth. I don’t touch that shit.”

“Yeah, it’s methed up,” Vincent said with a snort. “It fucks your life in the ass. Ruins your skin too.” He patted his cheek and winked at me.

I rolled my eyes at his joke and glanced back at Fallon. “I don’t like you doing so many drugs.”

“I do it because it’s expected of me. Once I’m out of the lords for good, I’ll be free to do whatever I want. I prefer weed, honestly. Mellows me out. Although, this sugar is pretty damn good.” He looked at the baggie Vincent was holding. “You should try it. Know your enemy and all that. See what you’re dealing with. You’ll be surprised.”

“Sure it’s not poison?” Vincent asked, tossing the baggie up and down in his hand.

“I’ll do it with you,” Fallon said evenly. “Then we’ll die together.”

“Me too,” I said, my heart in my throat.

They both gaped at me with raised brows.