“We lost the weapons deal with Vander Veer.” Hail yanked his blond hair and let out a string of obscenities in Russian as I sat in the overstuffed leather chair in his room.

“That fucking bitch daughter of his,” Hail continued. He glared at Drake. “I told you not to fuck that up. You saw Seeley move in. You didn’t even fucking try.”

“I did try. I tried to get her to fuck me at the bonfire, but she’s all moon-eyed over Seeley,” Drake snapped back, scowling at Hail. “She said she loves him. You know damn well he wormed his way beneath her skirt and settled there like a fucking disease.”

“Which is why I told you to keep seeing her,” Hail snapped back.

Drake grumbled and looked away.

“So what do we need to do now?” Tate asked. “It’s De Santis who got the deal. You know he did.”

“He’s on the outs with his father. It’s all over the street. Matteo hasn’t issued a hit on him or Bianca, but I figure he’s just seeing how shit plays out before he makes a move. If we’re lucky, he’ll take De Santis out before he becomes a bigger issue.”

“Or the horsemen will,” Tate said.

“Word on the street is the horsemen are out for blood,” Trent added.

I glanced at him. Hail had started bringing him deeper into the fold lately. Trent was somewhere between Tate and Drake in personality. He was fairer but also a fucked up monster. He’d earned his place in the lords, that was for sure. Even though the shooting on the horsemen had been completely botched, Trent had still managed to pull it out of his ass and pin it on the kings. It was a good plan. An impressive one. Hail liked it. It had won him over completely, and now, Trent was one of us.

“They’re going to strike soon. De Santis and his crew are as good as dead. I think we should probably figure out how to get Bianca away from him before it happens. Making him suffer her loss before he goes out would be fucking sweet,” Tate continued. “We should film us fucking her and send it to him.”

“Or we don’t put that shit on video,” I snarled at him. “You fucking idiot.”

Drake snorted and shook his head at Tate. “You really are fucking stupid sometimes. I don’t want to be on video raping some girl. In fact, I’m going to keep my dick away from her. You guys can have her.”

“She’s beautiful,” Trent said, nodding.

I glared at him.

“Fallon gets her pussy first. It was decided already since he went through shit with the kings. When he’s done, I’ll pound her. She’s already soiled, so I don’t care if I’m first anymore. After that, I don’t care what you guys do with the scraps,” Hail said.

I inhaled deeply to calm myself. Drake pushed a baggie of powdered sugar at my chest.

“For you,” he said as I took it.

“Why? Shit fucked me up last time,” I muttered.

“Because snorting it should be fine,” Drake said, doling some out from a bag into five lines. “My intel tells me the resident sugar daddy was having issues perfecting his injectables. Everything else is good.” I watched as he tossed a bag to everyone else.

“I don’t want to snort their product,” Hail grumbled.

“You know it’s good, man. Might want to consider getting the horsemen on our side. They might back down and run for us or something. Maybe De Luca won’t like the dirtier side of things,” Tate said, leaning down to snort his line.

“Or we take his girl and make him our bitch.” Trent inhaled his line and wiped his nose. “He has a really fucking beautiful redhead. Rosalie Bishop is her name. Ass that doesn’t quit. A set of tits on her you could fuck all night. Tight body. And she’s quite a songbird.” He opened the lock screen on his phone and pulled up a photo of a gorgeous redhead in a short, lavender dress to show us.

Yeah. De Luca had a beauty. She should probably run far away, or she’d end up like my princess.

“This guy,” Trent continued, flipping through his phone and showing us another photo of a built guy, “is Fox Evans. He’s the star quarterback for Mayfair. Full ride scholarship. They’re already talking NFL.” He flipped through his phone again and showed us another photo. “This is Cole Scott. De Luca’s righthand man. He’s fucking insane. Loses his shit and pretty much kills anything that gets too close to any of them, the redhead especially. It’s not confirmed, but my intel says they all fuck her like some big, happy family.”

I stared at the blond man in the picture. At first glance, the guy looked like an All-American, pretty boy, right down to his sparkling smile and blue eyes. But that was where it ended because when I looked into his eyes, like really looked, I could see the darkness floating in them. He was cracked for sure.

Trent scrolled again and produced a photo of another well-built guy with dark hair. He appeared more withdrawn than the other guys. He seemed haunted by more than past demons. It was like he was a ghost himself. I frowned as I took in his appearance. A good-looking guy, but damn, again with the eyes. Definitely haunted.

“Ethan Masters. This, gentlemen, is your sugar daddy. He’s the guy who makes the product. He’s the brains behind it. And again, rumor has it he’s fucking the redhead too.”

I exhaled as Trent pulled up a final photo. A handsome, young, Italian man. Dark hair. Dark eyes. He reminded me of Vincent.

“Lorenzo De Luca. Heir to the De Luca family. Largely connected. Deep ties in our world. His father runs a lot of shit in New York City, Detroit, Miami. Even Vegas. His reach is far and has extended into our territory. If Lorenzo keeps running the business the way he is, he could essentially take over our city within a few years. The good news is, Lorenzo doesn’t really seem like he’s too interested in taking over for his father. More like he goes through the motions because, with as well as he’s doing, he could probably extend his reach and the city would fall under his control in less than a year. He’s not pushing as hard as he could. Which confirms to me his heart isn’t in it. He could be won over easily… I think.” Trent darkened his phone and turned to Hail.

Hail nodded thoughtfully. “Well, I think we pissed him off enough. He’s out for blood with the kings after we shot at his girl and his crew. Do we have a confirmed kill on any of them?”

Drake shook his head. “No. If one of them is dead, they’re keeping it quiet.”

Hail nodded again before leaning over the sugar and snorting his line. Sighing, I sat forward and snorted mine, not wanting to catch shit.

Please don’t let me see fucking leopards and goats again.

My phone buzzed as Hail grabbed shot glasses and poured us all shots. I slammed mine back quickly and looked down at the text from Vincent.

V: You hungry?

I frowned down at the message and shot one back to him.

Me: I guess?

I let out a soft breath as the high took hold. Fuck, that shit was good.

V: Come eat.

A close-up photo of Bianca’s pussy greeted me. I stared down at it in wonder. They were letting me be with her. The last two weeks had been torture. I may be a hybrid-king, but I still hadn’t been able to touch my girl the way I wanted to. In fact, De Santis had made sure I’d kept my distance after we’d returned to Bolten. I knew his reasoning though. He didn’t want any heat on me. He needed me with the lords.

“Who’s texting you?” Tate asked.