“Bianca isn’t your daughter. And your empty threats don’t do shit to me, D’Angelou. Make them. Hide behind them. But I’m coming for you. You’re already dead and don’t even realize it.” I ended the call and handed Bianca her phone back. “Do not answer calls from him. They are to go straight to voicemail. Understand?”

“But my mom—”

“Will be fine. He needs her alive to keep talking to you. If he kills her, he has nothing.”

She didn’t look convinced but didn’t press the subject as she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, seemingly lost deep in thought.

I looked back to Ivanov. He noticed us and walked our way with his lords in tow.

“Vin,” I said softly.

He straightened up and watched as they approached. Immediately, I rose and positioned myself in front of Bianca, who sat on the tabletop.

“Look what the fucking wind swept in,” Vincent said as Ivanov and his crew stopped in front of us.

He was plus one today with some little piss ant named Trent Beyers. Five on two. Not good odds if they decided to throw down with us. But I’d been in worse situations.

“Trash,” Vincent finished, smirking at the lords.

Fallon stood like a hard-ass beside them. Guy was a hell of an actor.

“Surprised you made it out alive. Heard your wedding reception was a blast,” Ivanov said, giving me a shit-eating grin.

“Only because I blew it up at the end,” I said in an even voice.

Drake scoffed.

“Heard poor Seeley caught a bullet. Is he dead? I don’t see him here.” Ivanov craned his neck around, pretending to look for him. “Ah, but looks like your whore made it out alive at least.”

I shoved him hard in the chest, sending him back a few feet. His guys caught him. A second later, he stormed forward, going nose to nose with me.

“I don’t have to finish you off. If your old man doesn’t do it, the horsemen will. Heard you fucked with them too.”

“I know what you did, you piece of shit,” I snarled back. “Don’t think you’ll get away with it.”

“I already have,” he said back. “And once they kill you, I’ll take my girl back. We’ll all take turns on her. She’ll wish she had died too.”

I drew my arm back to punch him in the face, but Bianca grabbed my hand and tugged me back. I knew my wasp. She’d been counting numbers. Technically it would be three on two, but fucking Vasiliev had decked me last time, so really, he was a live wire.

“Aw, how cute. Your slut calls the shots.” Ivanov smirked and backed away, his guys laughing at his side. All but Vasiliev, who was eyeing me with narrowed eyes. “Enjoy it, Bianca. When you’re mine again, the only thing that pretty mouth of yours will be doing is sucking my cock.”

He turned with his crew and began walking away.

“Hey, Ivanov,” I called out, barely raising my voice.

He and his crew stopped to scowl at me.

“I’m giving you the chance to walk away and never look back. To come clean. I’m giving you a chance to live. This is that moment. Take it because I won’t stop until I rule everything. Trust me when I say you don’t want it to be you.”

He glared before spinning and storming away, his guys flanking him.

It wasn’t him I wanted to kill. I mean, yes, he was on my list. But Tate was the one I really wanted to end. The way he was staring past me at Bianca made my guts clench. Everyone knew how fucked up and twisted he was. And the fact he had his eyes on my wife only pissed me off more.

I’d kill him first. Then Ivanov.