“We need to go. Levin, you big German fuck, you need to wake up long enough to help me carry you.” Fallon grunted as he helped Levin to his feet with Natalia.

With every ounce of energy we had, we managed to get through the trees with Fallon only having to kill two stragglers along the way. We made it to Levin’s car. Fallon slid him into the backseat. I got in with him and held onto him, ripping off part of my dress to place over his wound, so I could try to slow the bleeding. Natalia got into the front with Fallon and grabbed the keys for him.

Fallon started the car and peeled out of the trees.

“We need a hospital,” I called out as Levin let out a rough, garbled breath. “He’s dying!”

“We can’t go to the hospital. I need to call Dom. Fuck!” Fallon pounded the steering wheel as we hit eighty on the desolate stretch of highway outside of town.

“Where are we going then?” I demanded. “He needs a doctor!”

“Dom sent me a safe house address. We’re going there. Nattie, call Dom and pray to fuck he answers.” He tossed her his phone.

She quickly thumbed through his contacts before she put the phone to her ear. “No one is answering,” she cried out.

“Try Vincent,” Fallon shouted.

She dialed again and again to nothing before she tried once more. She straightened in her seat.

“D-Dominic? I-it’s Natalia. W-we’re going to a safe house. We need help. L-Levin’s been shot. H-he’s bleeding so much,” her voice cracked. “Yes. She’s with us… OK…. Yes…. OK…. OK.” She hung up. “He said he’s on the way with Vincent and will send someone to help.”

Fallon gripped the steering wheel tighter. A wave of dizziness washed over me.

I stared down at Levin. His breathing was shallow, his eyes closed.

“Don’t leave me,” I whimpered, leaning down and pressing my forehead to his. “Don’t go. I didn’t even get to say I was sorry. I was an idiot. Stay, Levin. Please stay with me. I love you. I love you so-so much.”

My head spun again, and this time I couldn’t stop the fall. Darkness blotted out the light, and I let go, Levin’s name on my lips.