“Good enough.” Vincent peeked out into the hallway again. He gestured for us to follow. “B, just look straight ahead. Don’t look down.”

I swallowed and did as he instructed, trying to ignore the man I’d killed on the floor. We made it out to another corridor. This place was a damn maze. I hated it here and vowed to never return.

Vincent poked his head out at the T in the hall and ducked back as gunshots rang out. He fired back before shoving us away.

“Go. Go. Go!”

Footsteps rushed at us with the gunfire as we tried to go back the way we’d come.

“B, you’re going to have to run. I’ll hold these guys off. You’re going to have to go back that way. Take the back hall. Just be careful, OK? Shoot anyone who crosses you, and keep fucking going. Got it?”

“What about you?”

“I’ll be fine. This isn’t my first rodeo.” He gave my hand a squeeze before shoving me away.

Bullets pinged off the wall as I turned and ran, Natalia right behind me. I didn’t know where I was going. I ran blindly, ducking and dodging gunshots as much as I could. I leaped over bodies, hoping Natalia could keep up because I didn’t want to slow down. I coughed as I inhaled smoke from whatever was burning. I wanted to go home and wash the what the fuck off my body. This had to be the worst wedding reception in history.

I skidded to a door and let out a snarl when I realized it was locked. I glanced behind me to find Natalia was gone. I’d somehow lost her in the smoke and confusion. I said a silent prayer she didn’t get killed in all the gunfire and smoke.

Damnit! I had to go back for her.

I turned to race back down the hall and slammed into a hard body as I rounded a corner. Warm arms wrapped around me before I stumbled back.

“L-Levin?” I choked out, staring up at him in shock.

“Hey, bumblebee,” he answered gruffly as he hauled me back against the wall.

“Wha-what are you doing here? Where’s Fallon?”

“We split up to find you. I’m here because this is where I belong.”

I nodded, not questioning him further. Shouts sounded out in the distance, followed by more gunfire. I winced as Levin looked down at me.

“There should be a window in that room. It should lead to the back gardens if my memory of this place serves me correctly. If we break it out, I can get you out of here. My car is parked at the property line. If we stick to the trees, we’ll be safe.”

“OK,” I said thickly.

“You’re not hurt right? He didn’t hurt you, did he?” his voice trembled as he took me in.

I shook my head. “I’m OK.”

His gaze skirted over my face before he nodded and gestured for me to follow him. He went back to the locked door and shot the handle. The door banged open when he kicked it. We rushed to the window, which he shot out.

I turned just as a man dressed in black entered the room, his gun raised.

It happened in slow motion. One moment I was staring death in the face, and the next my head smashed against a desk as I toppled to the floor. Levin dove in front of me, blocking me from view of the gunman. A gunshot rang out. Levin jerked and staggered back, wetness blossoming on his dark shirt.

I reached for him, screaming his name. Fallon swept into the room and shot the man in the back of the head, his blood and brains splatting all over the place. Fallon stepped over the body and rushed at us with Natalia on his heels.

“Levin? Levin!” I screamed as I leaned over him, his blood staining the white material of my dress.

He blinked at me and groaned. My head swam from smacking it so hard. Stars dotted my vision. I shook it off as I pressed my hand to the dark spot on his shirt by his abdomen.

He reached out and cradled my face for a moment as his eyelids fluttered.

“No,” I sobbed. “Come on, Boo Bear. Stay with me.”

He gave me a tired smile. “I hate that name.”

I wailed and tried to stay conscious. Blood dribbled down my jaw from my head wound.

“Help him, Fallon. Please. Don’t let him die.”

“We need to get you out of here. This place is on fire. Drake molotoved it. We’ll be dead if we don’t get going. The entire ballroom is in flames. We can’t get to the front door, and the other half of the place is filled with fuckers.” He tried to drag me away from Levin, but I let out a snarl and pushed him away.

“Don't touch me! We can’t leave him! We can’t!”

“They’re coming,” Natalia choked out, glancing fearfully over her shoulder as the gunfire got closer.

“Car is on the edge of the property through the trees,” Levin said breathlessly, his voice strained. “Keys are in the middle console. G-get her out of here. Save her. Please. Get her to safety.”

Fallon nodded and grabbed my hand. I tugged away from him as I tried to stop Levin’s bleeding.

He wrapped his hand around mine. “Bumblebee, go. Please. Go with Fallon.”

“I’m not going. Fallon, help me. We need to get him out the window.”

“Bianca, princess, we can’t carry him—”

“Fucking help me, or I swear to God,” I snarled at him, swaying as I tried to lift Levin, who fought me weakly.

Fallon growled and grabbed Levin’s arm, hefting him up amid a groan of agony from Levin. Blood trickled from his body, leaving red dots on the floor. Natalia helped me with his other side. We pushed him through the window with a hell of a lot of effort. He fell forward and hit the lawn with a moan, his shirt soaked with blood. I went out next, followed by Natalia then Fallon. I stumbled and fell, my knees hitting the edge of a concrete patio hard and making me hiss in pain.