My chest burned as we ran. Vincent grabbed my arm and jerked me back before I caught a bullet to the head.

“Be careful,” he called out, worry covering his face. “You know how to use that thing?” He nodded to the gun I clutched.

“I-I don’t know.”

Natalia clung to Vincent’s back, her eyes wide with fear. She looked as rough as I felt. Seeing her and Dominic had gutted me. It hurt to the point I was certain I’d vomit. I knew he’d done it to save us, and fortunately, it hadn’t progressed as far as it could have. I despised his father. I prayed Dominic had killed him and was on his way back to us. I’d fought with Vincent as he’d dragged me away, but I knew I had to go. I promised I’d behave. This was me doing that.

“Do this,” Vincent said, taking the gun from me as bullets pinged past us in the hall.

He peeked out the door and quickly ducked back, swearing. Smoke hung in the air, making my eyes and lungs burn.

“Look. It’s ready to fire. Here’s a magazine. Drop this one like this.” He pushed a button on the side of the gun, and the magazine dropped out. “Put this one in like this.” He pushed the new one into the gun and handed me the old one.

I tucked it into the front of my dress as he readied the gun to fire. “Got it?”

“Then what?”

“Then you point and shoot, baby. You don’t need to kill them, but it’d be real nice if you did.” He glanced at Natalia. “Stay close, OK? B, cover me.”

Natalia nodded mutely. I tightened my hand on the gun.

Vincent pressed his mouth to mine, kissing me fast and hard. “Just in case.”

He darted out and shot at someone, sending them to the ground. He put another bullet into them as we followed. I tried to not look at the dead guy, but I did. I’d never seen him before, so at least he wasn’t someone I’d feel bad for.

“These are lords’ men,” Natalia said, her voice quaking. “An attack by the Bratva.”

Vincent nodded grimly. “This is the work of your brother.”

“Fallon? I-I don’t understand.”

“We’ll explain later,” Vincent said, leading us through the house, shooting at anyone who crossed our path.

We’d just reached another hall, when a man darted from another room and punched Vincent in the head, sending him toppling to the ground, his gun falling away.

The man quickly grabbed the weapon and pointed it at Vincent. I watched in horror as the man wiped at his nose.

“Hell yeah, I’ll be rewarded nicely for killing the great Vincent Valentino,” the man guffawed as he tightened his hold on the weapon.

My pulse roared in my ears as I left my hiding spot, my pistol raised. I didn’t even hesitate. I squeezed the trigger as Vincent covered his head. The man dropped to the ground. I pulled the trigger again and again until he stopped moving, crimson pooling around his body.

I stood holding the gun, my body quaking.

I didn’t see Vincent get to his feet, but I felt him as his warm body pressed to mine.

“Give me the gun, baby,” he coaxed gently.

I shook, clutching it tighter. I just killed someone. Someone was dead because I shot them.

“Baby, come on,” Vincent said again, wrapping his hand around mine. “Let go.”

I gasped and let him take the gun. He pulled me back into the room and wrapped me in his arms, holding me tightly.

A sob ripped from my throat.

“I-I killed that man. He-he’s dead. I-I’ve never killed anyone before. I’ll go to jail. I won’t find my dad. Dominic will miss me. You. Fallon. Levin—”

“Easy, sweetheart. It’s OK. You’re not in trouble. No one gives a shit about some lord prick. He was going to kill me. You saved me, B. You’re my hero, baby.”

I shook against him, the urge to vomit real.

“Breathe, B. Come on,” Vincent said, giving me a shake as I tried to suck in a breath that just didn’t want to come. “We need to get the fuck out of here. I need you to pull yourself together, OK? Can you do that for me?” He eased back and tilted my face up, pressing a kiss to my lips. “Come on, pretty girl. We need to find Dom and Fallon. They need us.”

I nodded, gathering myself. “OK.”

“Here. I’m giving you the gun back. Don’t hesitate if it happens again, OK? It’s fine to kill these fuckers. They would’ve killed us without batting a lash.” He swiped the tears off my cheek and kissed me again. “I love you.”

“Love you too,” I said hoarsely.

He smiled and pulled away. “Natalia? You good?”

“No,” she answered weakly. “But I really need to get out of here.”