Iglared at my father as he sat behind his desk, smoking a cigar. I’d seen his hands travel to Bianca’s ass. I’d nearly lost it and launched myself on him, not giving a fuck if he tried to have me killed for it.

“Your wife is very beautiful,” he said, blowing out smoke.

I grunted. “She’ll do.”

He smirked and leaned forward. “You know why you’re in here, yes?” He handed me a cigar.

I puffed as he lit it for me, inhaling deeply before blowing out the smoke.

“I assume you wish to discuss our family traditions,” I said.


“As you already know, I’m not interested in sharing my wife. I’ve taken her virginity. The deal is done and sealed. She bears my last name and soon my child.”

“But no child yet.”

“Soon,” I said tightly. “I’m working on it.”

“What if you stopped working on it and let me take over?”

My guts twisted at his words. “You wish to impregnate my wife? So that I might raise my half-brother, and he could call me both stepfather and brother? I’m sorry, Father, but I thought we were more civilized than some hillbilly family from the Deep South.”

“Your wife is truly beautiful, Dominic. Created by the gods for men to lust upon,” he said, ignoring me. “You’re young. Getting tied down so soon wasn’t one of your best ideas.”

“What aren’t you saying?”

He sneered at me and stubbed out his cigar. “Just that we have traditions.”

“Not interested.”

He nodded. “Then, as I’ve said before, we make new ones. Give your wife to me. I can have your marriage annulled. I’ll take her and make her a mother. She’ll want for nothing. It’s no secret you hate our way of life. With a new heir, you could be free when he comes of age.”

I swallowed hard. It wasn’t that I hated our way of life exactly. I hated him. Big fucking difference. I adored fucking shit up.

“No,” I snarled.

“You don’t love the girl. That’s what you said.”

“She is my wife,” I said in a clipped voice. “She’s my responsibility regardless of my feelings. I don’t back away from my duties, Father. You know that.”

He nodded thoughtfully and grew quiet. “Then I propose a new tradition. If you agree, I’ll let this go. If you don’t, you’ll pay.”

“What is it?” I demanded, growing more impatient. I hoped to fuck Vincent was able to get Bianca out of here in the small window of time there had been.

He pressed a button on his desk, and a moment later his door opened. Some of his men strode in, Bianca held tightly between two of them. Vincent brought up the rear. I caught the worried expression on his face as I rose to my feet.


“Ah, my darling new daughter. We were just discussing your marriage to my son. I’m so glad you could join us.” My father stood and marched to the bar so he could pour himself a glass of whiskey. He handed me one. I slammed it back, needing it to numb my rage as Bianca trembled in the center of the room.

Before I could say anything, four more of his men entered the room, followed by Alessio and Klaus, Levin’s father. As far as men went, Alessio was decent. But Klaus was a fucking nightmare with a heartbeat.

“Here’s what’s going to happen.” Father crossed the room to Bianca, who stared back at him with wide, terrified eyes.

My heart ached as I watched her with him. He’d fucking break her. The very outcome I had been trying to save her from when I’d ordered Levin to kill her and when I’d married her instead of letting her die. And now the nightmare was staring my wasp in the face, ready to destroy her.

“I’m going to make an offer. If Domenico refuses it, we’ll start a new tradition tonight.” He nodded to his men, who moved behind me.

I tensed. “What is this?” I snarled when they latched onto my arms.

Vincent’s worried gaze darted from me to Bianca then back to me. We had no fucking weapons. It didn’t mean I wouldn’t snag one off a dead body after I fucking killed someone with my bare hands.

One of the guards grabbed my chair and moved it to the center of the room. I was pushed down into it.

“Here’s the deal. I’m going to fuck your wife. You watch. Jerk off. Whatever you want. When I’m good and done with her, you can take her and go. Our tradition is fulfilled and over. I’ll let it go. You continue to do your fucking job and make an heir for our legacy if I fail to impregnate her tonight myself. Easy, right?”

Bianca wasn’t on birth control. I’d taken it from her. If he came inside her, he could get her pregnant. The possibility of her carrying his baby crushed my fucking soul. I didn’t mind if one of my guys got her pregnant—not that it made me happy—but I’d prefer it over this shit. It was supposed to be me. She was my wife. I owned her, and that included her fucking womb.

Not his. Not. Fucking. His.

“No,” I growled, tightening my hands into fists.

He sneered. “I thought you’d say that.”

A small cry left Bianca’s lips as one of the guards pulled a gun and pointed it at her head while the other pushed her to her knees. My heart lodged in my throat.

Not again. Not fucking again.