“Sto bene,” the man’s deep voice rumbled out.

Vincent pulled away, and Dominic greeted him.

"È bello vederti,” Dominic said in his rich Italian.

I kept my head down and strained to figure out what they were saying. It sounded like a warm greeting.

“È bello vedere anche te,” the man replied.

“This is my wife, Bianca,” Dominic said, nodding to me still in my seat.

The man took my hand. I peeked up at him quickly as he smiled down at me.

“Congratulations on your marriage. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Bianca.”

“Thank you,” I said softly, not knowing what I was supposed to say. Social norms dictated I be kind in my reply and not silent.

“This is my father, Alessio Valentino.” Vincent settled back in his seat as Dominic took his.

Alessio sat beside Vincent, still grinning at me. He didn’t strike me as nasty and cruel like Dominic’s father did. Alessio was a tall, broad man in his late forties with kind, dark eyes. He reminded me of an older Vincent.

Alessio inclined his head to me. “How are you enjoying married life, tesoro?”

I glanced at Dominic quickly. He gave a slight nod.

“It’s… different.”

“I imagine it would be, having to be married to a De Santis,” Alessio said with a hearty laugh, winking at Dominic, who gave him a tight smile. “You’ll do well. If it doesn’t kill you.”

I shot a look to Dominic, but he wasn’t paying attention. It wasn’t long until I knew why.

“Domenico,” Matteo greeted him. “Everyone is dancing. Dinner will be served soon. You should dance with your bride.”

“I’m not dancing tonight,” Dominic said sternly.

“Then I suppose I’ll dance with your bride. Bianca, would you be so kind as to share a dance with me?” Matteo asked, his eyes glittering with some sort of madness I wanted no part in.

Once again, I checked with Dominic for the right response, but Matteo reached out and tilted my chin in his direction, his touch cold and rough. “You look to me when I speak to you. Not him, daughter.”

Chills rushed through me as I wordlessly got to my feet and slid my hand in his, noting Dominic seemed like he was barely holding it together. Vincent cleared his throat as Alessio watched Matteo lead me away, a peculiar look on his face.

The moment we were on the dance floor, Matteo spun me and pressed his hands to the small of my back. Unable to do much else, I rested my palms on his shoulders as he led me in time to the five-piece ensemble playing in the background.

“Are you having fun?” he asked.

“Yes sir,” I answered thickly.

“I see my son has been training you well. Tell me, does he make you happy?”

“I’m a bird with clipped wings trapped in a gilded cage,” I said, hoping it would take the spotlight off Dominic’s relationship with me.

“Ah, but to be such a bird. Adored by all. Envied. Beautiful. A true goddess.” He leaned in, his lips brushing against my ear, “I bet you fuck like a porn star, don’t you, passerotta?”

My breath hitched, panic taking flight in my chest.

“A pretty, little captured sparrow, taking my son’s cock every night. Tell me, does my son make you come?”

I trembled against him, making him laugh softly.

“It’s no matter to me. As long as he plants his seed in your womb to carry on our legacy. And if he cannot, there are other options for getting an heir into you.”

Cold rushed through me. I wanted to leave. Now. My instincts shouted for me to run and never look back.

“You shake so, my pretty little principessa. Tell me, do you think you could take my cock like you take my son’s? Hmm?” Matteo’s hand shifted to my ass, making me stiffen. He cackled softly, sending goosebumps across my skin.

“We have a tradition in our family. Dominic isn’t too keen on it, and it makes me wonder if perhaps there’s more to your relationship than he lets on. I suppose we’ll find out, won’t we?”

“What do you want?” I choked out, trying to find Dominic in the room.

He was chatting with Vincent, Alessio, and another man. Dominic caught my panicked expression and quickly got to his feet, excusing himself. I let out a breath of relief, knowing he was coming to my rescue.

“What do I want? To have what’s mine, of course. That’s you. Our tradition demands it. I will see it fulfilled,” Matteo answered in a dangerous voice before he released me and stepped away.

I stood there, breathing hard as Dominic approached. Matteo turned to him and pressed his hand to Dominic’s chest.

“Come. We need to talk,” Matteo said.