Dominic’s father pressed his lips to the back of my hand, his gaze locked on mine. I tried not to tremble beneath his piercing stare. Dominic didn’t reach out to offer me comfort, and Vincent had disappeared into the crowd after we’d entered the ballroom.

“This is my father, Matteo De Santis,” Dominic introduced us in a strong voice that made me shake in my shoes. It was his no nonsense voice. The one that spelled trouble if you stepped out of line.

“It’s nice to meet you,” I lied, fixing a smile on my face and forcing my voice not to waver.

Matteo let out a soft chuckle. “Indeed it is. I had no idea what a beauty you were. Dominic failed to elaborate on that. Tell me, how do you like being married to my son?”

The guests had gone back to schmoozing as we stood in front of Matteo. I swallowed, glancing around for Vincent. He was at the edge of the room, watching us with narrowed eyes.

“I-it’s good,” I managed to say.

Matteo laughed that sinister laugh of his. “That’s interesting. Would you say it’s good because you’re afraid to say otherwise or good because it really is good?”

What the hell?

“I-it’s hard,” I said as Dominic stared straight ahead, not helping me out at all. “Dominic can be overbearing.”

“Truly?” Matteo smirked. “How was the proposal?”

“There wasn’t one,” I answered honestly. “I-I didn’t get a choice.”

Matteo raised his brows. “You were forced?”

“Yes,” I said. “He had Levin knock me out, and then he forced me to marry him when I woke.”

Matteo’s eyes glittered as he looked to Dominic. “She speaks truthfully.”

“She speaks too much,” Dominic snarled, turning to pin me with an ice-cold glare.

I shrank away from him, confused about what I’d done wrong.

“I’ll deal with you later,” he continued, his scowl hardening further.

I swallowed and cowered away from him more, forcing myself to not bite back or tell him to kiss my ass. I didn’t know if this was part of his act or not, but I could only assume he was turning on the cruelty to prove to his father I meant very little to him. I knew we had to convince this man of that, so if I had to be docile and timid, I would be. For now.

“I’m sorry, Dominic,” I whispered, amping it up and hoping Matteo bought it. “Please—”

Dominic reached out, gripping my chin painfully as he scowled down at me. “Shut the fuck up. What did I tell you? Huh? I said for you to keep your fucking mouth closed. I’ll do the talking.”

“Yes, Dominic,” I choked out, making a mental note to slap him when we were out of there.

He didn’t need to be so damn rough. He released me and turned to his father. “Can we get this party over with? I have more important things to do than celebrate this sham of a marriage.”

Matteo winked at me before he led us to the head table. I sat beside Dominic. A moment later, Vincent joined us. He didn’t cast me a second look as he settled in.

Matteo paused and pulled his phone out of his pocket. He didn’t say a word to us as he strode away, which was fine by me. I could breathe again.

The tension in Dom’s shoulders didn’t release.

“Do not overshare with my father,” Dominic said tightly, looking out over the people.

“I didn’t know what to do—”

“Stop speaking.” His gaze slid over to me. “You need to look like you submit, and I can’t stand you. Our marriage can’t look like I love you. He will weaponize it. Bow your head. Submit.”

I swallowed and tucked my head down.

“Elbows off the table.”

I slid my them off the table.

“Fold your hands in your lap. Ankles crossed. Do not make eye contact with anyone in this room, not even Vincent. I should’ve gone over this with you before. I’m sorry.” He let out a sigh. “I’m hoping this ends quickly. In the meantime, behave yourself.”

I ground my teeth but kept my head down.

I sat stiffly, not looking around as people came to greet Dominic, none addressing me. Apparently, they knew the rules better than I did. Within the hour, my ass and back were sore from remaining so still in my seat.

“My father is here,” Vincent said a few moments after a large man had cackled endlessly about some guy getting shot they must have all known.

Vincent nodded his head at someone as I tried to side-eye him.

Great. More assholes to meet.

A dark shadow loomed over us moments later. Vincent and Dominic both rose to their feet.

“Padré,” Vincent said as the man clasped his hand. “Come va?”