“I want you to stop talking to her. Stop looking at her.” She rubbed my dick over my pants. “Stop thinking about her. I want all of you, Levy. Whatever thought you have in your head about her needs to leave. She doesn’t want you. If she did, she’d be with you right now, not with Dominic. She chose Dominic. Not you. I chose you though. Please, understand who really loves you. If you have some sort of childish crush on her, you need to let it go. She’s not like us. She’s just something pretty for Dominic to screw until he finds someone more worthy. He’ll throw her aside eventually because she’s trash. You don’t need to ever consider picking up the trash. Not when you have someone like me. Someone who really cares about you and is worthy.”

“You need to shut up,” I said, gripping her by the shoulders and pushing her away from me. “You don’t talk about her like that. Bianca is not trash. If you ever fucking call her that again, I’ll bury you in a place no one will find your fucking body.”

Her gaze hardened as she glared at me. “This is what I’m talking about. You’re threatening me over her!” Her voice grew shrill.

I closed my eyes, willing her to just go the fuck away. I needed to get out of there.

“Tonight is supposed to be our night, but you’re shoving me aside to go do God knows what with the kings and her. I want you out of the kings. I want you to stay away from all of them, including Bianca.”

“I’m done having this fucking conversation,” I snapped, pushing past her. “You don’t tell me what the hell to do or who the hell I can associate with. We haven’t been together long enough for you to even think about bossing me around. You’re not my fucking mother, and even she wasn’t stupid enough to tell me what the fuck to do.”

“I love you,” she repeated, her voice pleading as she reached out for me, tears in her eyes. “I don’t want to lose you, Levy. Please. Just promise me—”

“Celeste, I need to go.”

“Why don’t you ever say me you love me too?” She peered up at me with wide, earnest eyes, her hands wrapped around my wrists as I tried to pull the door open.

I ground my teeth. “I’m going to be late. We’ll talk later.”

“Really?” She studied me, worry clear in her eyes.

“Yes,” I said softly. “I’ll see you when I get back.”

Her bottom lip trembled, the damn tears still in her eyes. “OK. I’ll leave my door unlocked. We can pick up where we left off. I-I’ll swallow this time if you want. I-I won’t complain.”

I only grunted as I jerked the door open and led her out, not giving a shit about walking her back to her room.

As for picking up where we’d left off, I very fucking much doubted it.