Celeste’s moans died down as I pulled away from her. I was knuckles deep in her pussy, trying to take my mind off shit. This wasn’t the way to do it though, because all I kept thinking about was bumblebee. The way her eyes had locked on mine when she’d seen me with Celeste outside our building. The way Bianca had quickly looked away and disappeared. How Dom had seen me, a grim expression on his face.

He probably fucked her to soothe her anger.

It’s what I would’ve done.

My mind was all sorts of fucked up. It didn’t help I knew Dom’s dad was a piece of shit and Bianca was in for a world of hurt tonight while I made Celeste moan like a little slut. The idea of anyone but a king touching Bianca made me want to put bullets inside some skulls.

God, if any of them die tonight…

“What’s wrong, Levy?” Celeste cooed in my ear as she stroked my cock. “You’re usually more into our alone time.”

I stared down at her hand on my dick, deciding that I hated the shade of pink her nails were. Bianca’s nails would be black. The thought of her hand on my cock made my heart jolt. Those black as night nails digging into my thighs while I fucked her warm mouth. I’d hiss with the pain her claws brought as she tore into my skin…

Fuck, I missed her.

Celeste shifted her nearly naked body and dropped to her knees in front of me, sucking my dick into her mouth. I winced as she caught me with her teeth.

Bianca had never gotten me with her teeth unless I wanted her to. She’d been so careful with my dick. And God, could she suck cock. I could choke her with it until her face was my favorite shade of blue, and she’d take it like a fucking champ. Celeste gagged every two fucking seconds. I couldn’t fuck her mouth like I could with Bianca. Bumblebee would swallow my cock and my load then come back for more.

Celeste spat.

Fuck, what am I doing?

My friends could be killed any moment. My girl… fuck, someone else’s cock could be buried in her right now, and she could be screaming for help. It would break Dom. I knew it would. He loved her like I did. And Vincent? I didn’t even want to think about the damage it would do to him to see his precious B being fucked by someone who wasn’t us.

I shoved Celeste off my dick and stood, hauling my pants up.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, scurrying to her feet.

I tossed her shirt at her. “I’ve got shit to do. Get dressed.”

“What?” She held her shirt and gave me a look of confusion.

“I didn’t stutter. Dom and Vincent need me. Bianca needs me.”

Celeste’s face darkened as I slipped my shirt on and buttoned it. It had taken me less than a second to decide where I needed to be tonight. Hell, I knew it before I’d even watched Vincent leave my room earlier. I wasn’t going to abandon my crew when they needed me most and for a girl I wasn’t in love with. I didn’t give a shit if Bianca did throw a fit. I’d shut her ass up with my dick in her mouth if it came down to it.

“Bianca? Are you kidding me?”

“I’m not.” I snatched my keys off my dresser as I put on my shoes.

“You’re leaving me to go to her?” Her tits were still out. “What is it about her that you can’t leave alone? I see the way you stare at her. When you think I’m not looking, I see you, Levy. What’s really going on?”

“Nothing is going on,” I snapped.

She blocked the door, still naked from the waist up. “I’m not moving until you tell me what the big deal with her is.”

“There isn’t a big deal. She’s my best friend’s wife,” I lied.

Well, fuck. Why was I lying? I could just tell her I’d fucked Bianca’s mouth and fed her my come after Vincent had stroked my cock and kissed me. I could tell her all I can fucking think about is Bianca whenever Celeste had my cock in her mouth. Or that I blew my load in the shower every morning to the memory of my dick sliding through the valley of her tits as I fucked them, my fingers twisted in her hair. How Bianca was the only one able to make me let go and feel something.

Fuck, just thinking about the shit we’d done that night made my dick hard.

I blew out a breath, my patience waning. “I’m leaving to get to my crew. We have shit we’re doing tonight, and I’m late.”

Celeste put her bra and shirt on, sighing far too much for my liking, before she approached me. I was already reaching past her to the doorknob.

“I love you, Levy. I don’t like Bianca though. You’re always worried about her. I hate it. She’s not nice to you.”

“She’s my best friend’s wife,” I repeated evenly, like it had any bearing on my desperate need to sink my dick inside her and regretting I never had.

Even when she was pissed at me, all I wanted to do was fuck her into submission. Fuck the fight from her body. God, that body…

“Are you sure that’s all?”

“Yes,” my voice came out in a low snarl.