My heart jumped. I might be able to be in two places at once now. It was a shady, dangerous, fucked up thing to do, but De Santis said he needed a distraction. My hands were tied. I had to do what I had to do.

Drake and Tate got on their phones, and, within twenty minutes, six of the best disciples were standing in front of us and a whole slew of Bratva, who’d suck Hail’s dick if he demanded it because that was just how fucking dedicated to him they were.

“I need a hit on De Luca carried out tonight. I want him and his crew dead by morning. Trent,” Hail called out to the dark-haired guy standing in the ranks. “I want you to lead this. Pick your men. You got me the inside track on De Luca and his crew. If you can take De Luca alive, do it. There’s a sexy redhead he fucks. I want her alive too. He’s going to watch me fuck her bloody before I kill him.”

“But you want the rest of his crew killed, not taken alive?” Trent asked.

“Dead. I want no one left alive. I don’t care how many motherfuckers you have to kill to get to him. His crew dies. Bring him and his whore to me. I’ll take it from there.”

Trent nodded.

“Tate, Drake, Fallon, and the rest of us will be paying the De Santis clan a visit tonight. I need to congratulate him on really fucking up.” Hail’s eyes darkened as he glanced at us. “You boys ready?”

There was a loud chorus of whoops, excitement and danger palpable in the air. I’d done a lot of bad shit in my life, but this might be the worst because it could get a few people I’d just started to be OK with killed.

She was worth it though. Bianca was worth everything.

I had faith De Santis knew what he was doing, so it helped soothe my worries. The last thing I wanted was to hurt her again by getting the ones she loved killed. This was the only plan I had though.

I’m coming, princess. Hold on.