Page 8 of Trek

“How long’s it been?”

“I lost track after six months. I was moved around so much … I just lost track.”

“Moved where?”

“I don’t know. We were always tossed into the back of a van and taken someplace else. I don’t know if we even stayed in Georgia.”

“Fuck, Heidi.”

“It was hell. All of it. I hated being drugged, and I know this is going to take time to heal from.”

“We can help you with that,” I tell her.

“Thank you.”

“The Doc is comin’ in to check on you tomorrow.”


“You’re with my brothers, Heidi. We need to know you’re clean.” She lets out a breath before I turn my head to look at her. Her long hair is splayed out around her. She looks so beautiful right now, just as I remembered her.

“I don’t mean to come off as an ass,” I tell her.

“I get it. I’ve been passed around so much. I get it.”

“You don’t have to do that here. I want you to know that,” I tell her.

“I do know that. I just need that release. I need to be in control.”

“I know.” As sad as that is, I know that. She needs to feel in control of something when everything in her life has been out of control for so long. It’s only natural to feel that way.