Page 25 of Trek


“She wasn’t lyin’ about the plants,” I mumble as we watch the house in question.

“It looks like an old cat lady lives here,” Rage adds, causing me to chuckle.

“If this is it, they sure as fuck know how to cover it up,” Demon chimes in.

“You think this is it?” I ask.

“You heard her. A lot of plants. This is the only house around that we found with a lot of plants,” Demon says.

“Fuck, I hate this shit,” I grumble under my breath. We sit back and watch out of the front window taking it all in. I haven’t seen much of anything since we’ve been here, but that doesn’t mean anything. Victor could be being cautious. His other place got closed down, and now he needs to be more aware of what’s happening.

“Is that him?” I ask when I see a man fitting his description climb out of a car in front of the house. My nerves fire off. My trigger finger gets itchy, and all I want to do is leap from this van and grab the fucker.

“Looks like it,” Demon says. Heidi gave us a description of the asshole, and now all I want is blood. His blood. It’s taking every ounce of self-control not to climb out of this van and go after him.

“I want that motherfucker,” I growl this time. Rage slaps a hand on my shoulder, but that does little to ease the need inside of me.

“You’ll have him, but we need to plan this out. He’s probably got more guys in this one now,” Demon says. I nod my head agreeing with him. It’s hard to know that he’s the asshole who had Heidi and not be able to take him out now.

“Wonder how many more girls are in there?”

“I’m guessin’ about the same,” Rage says.

“We keepin’ them too?” I ask, looking to Demon.

“We’ll do the same thing for them as the others. Get them taken care of, and then get them home.”

“The one girl, Raven. What’s her deal?” I ask as we watch the house.

“I don’t know, brother. Drake said there’s somethin’ dark in that girl,” Demon chuckles.

“He would know.”

“True. He would.”

“So she’s stayin’?” I ask.

“For now, she is. I’m not forcin’ anyone to leave,” Demon says. I nod my head. I know he wouldn’t make any of them leave until they’re ready, but this girl just seems different.

“There’s a guy,” Rage speaks, and we look up to see another man entering the house.

“This has to be it,” Demon adds.

“Let’s hit it.” I’m ready to hit the motherfucker. I’m ready to get those girls out, but mostly, I want that son of a bitch Victor.

“We need a plan and all the guys. Calm down, Trek.” A growl lodges in my throat as I sit back and wait. Demon starts the van and pulls off, heading back to the clubhouse with enough information to bust the place. We don’t know what’s inside or the layout, and we sure as fuck don’t know how many girls are held captive. With the first house, Heidi gave us information to help us plan our attack, but not this time.

We arrive back at the clubhouse, climb out of the van, and head back inside. I see Raven with Heidi and Cheryl and take a long look at the girl. Maybe Drake is right. There’s something dark in her. She seems different from the other girls. Different from Heidi.

“You really got a thing for that girl?”

“Heidi?” I ask, glancing over my shoulder at Badger.


“She’s mine. That’s all you need to know,” I declare.

“Goddamn. Don’t be so pissy. I was only askin’.”

“And now you’re not,” I tell him. Badger chuckles and passes me a beer which I gladly take. I take a long pull before Heidi looks over and sees me. She gives me a small smile before going back to her conversation. It makes my heart leap a little that she looks for me, seeks me out.

“We need to talk,” Demon says. He calls out to the other guys, and we all head for the office. Once we’re inside, we all take our seats and look at Demon.

“We’re pretty sure that’s the house.”

“Let’s do it,” Badger says. Cross nods his head, agreeing with that too. I’m right there with them both.

“We don’t know shit about the place. How many people are in there? How many have weapons? We need to case the place a little more,” Demon tells us.

“Then let’s do it. Those girls are bein’ fucked over the longer they’re in there,” Griz says.

“That’s the plan. Griz, Cross, and Badger are gonna be on watch tonight. I want to know how many go in and out of there. They have to change shifts at some point, yeah? I wanna know when that happens and how many there are. If you can get anything else, I want it.” The tone of Demon’s voice sends a chill down my spine. I’ve known the man to get angry, but I’ve never seen him like this.

“I agree. We need all the information we can get. Get that and let’s handle these motherfuckers,” Drake says. I know he’s ready for this. He was born ready for shit like this.

“I want Victor,” I announce.

“He’s yours.” Demon agrees. I nod my head and pull a cigarette free before lighting it up.

“We good on this?” Demon asks.

“I’m good,” I confirm. The others agree too. Not like I didn’t think they would. They’re all ready for this shit as much as I am.

“Then let’s do this. I want to move on this in three days. The longer those girls are there, the worse it’s gonna be. Let’s get the intel and move,” Demon order us. I nod my head. I’m ready for this shit. I’m ready for him.

Demon closes the meeting, and we all stand to leave the room.

“You really want him?” Demon stops me and asks.

“Yeah. Victor played with Heidi. He used her more than the others. I want that motherfucker,” I tell him.

“He’s yours then.” I nod my thanks before I head toward the bar and grab another drink. I take one last drag from my cigarette before snuffing it out when I hear her.

“Did you find anything?”

“I found him. I’m gonna kill his ass, nice and slow, Heidi. I’m gonna make him feel all the pain you’ve felt,” I tell her.

“I want in.” Raven’s voice surprises me. I shift my gaze to hers and see the darkness Drake saw in her.

“Is that right? I don’t think it’s a woman’s place to handle that shit,” I tell her. She steps closer to me, and I can feel the anger radiating off her.

“You know what I went through in there. Do you have any idea how I felt?”

“No. I don’t, but I plan on makin’ it right.”

“I want in.”

“That isn’t up to me.”

“Then who do I need to talk to and make that happen?” Raven asks. I see the rage in her eyes. She’s not joking. She wants in on this. I raise my hand and motion to Drake to come over. He strolls over and looks down at Raven, a sick smirk on his face. He knows.

“She wants in on Victor.”

“That’s your kill, brother. Not mine.”

“And I want his ass,” I tell him.

“You can share. It’s like a pretty new toy we all want to play with,” Drake suggests with an evil smirk on his face. I’ve seen him pissed. I’ve seen him angry, but this is something different. This is something more.

“You don’t care if she’s in?” I ask him.

“Hell no. The more, the merrier,” Drake laughs as he walks away. I look back at Raven and grin.

“I guess you’re in then. If at any point you can’t handle it, just walk away, yeah?” She nods her head, and a smirk similar to Drake’s crosses her face. It makes me wonder what the hell is running through that head of hers.

“Thanks, Trek,” she says before walking away.

“You sure that’s smart?” Heidi asks me.

“No. I don’t think it is, but there’s somethin’ different about that one. Somethin’ darker,” I reply.

“How can you tell?”

“By the look in her eyes.”

“I can’t do it,” she says softly.

“You’re not a killer, Heidi. I don’t expect you to.”

“And you are?” She looks up at me.

“Yeah. I am. I know what I’m doin’ and how to do it. I would never ask you to do somethin’ like that.”

“But she’s doing it. Doesn’t that make me weak?” she asks. I shake my head.

“It makes you mine. I don’t think I need to remind you what that means. I’ll handle any shit that happens to come our way,” I tell her.

“I can help myself too, you know?”