Page 27 of Trek


I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life, but the worst one was telling Trek what I was thinking. He’s right. I shouldn’t give two shits about Victor. Not after what he’s done to me. And yet I said the words out loud. I told him what I was feeling, and now he’s ignored me for two days. I feel horrible. I feel like I’ve made the biggest mistake of my life.

“Whatever’s going on, he’ll come around,” Evie says as she sits next to me.

“I said something I shouldn’t have.”

“We all do that at times. He’ll calm down, Heidi.”

“I don’t know if he will,” I admit. I don’t know if I crossed a line with him. I know he’s angry. I can feel the tension in the room. He wanted my honesty, and I gave it to him. I don’t know why he got so mad about it. I’m not thankful for Victor or the fact he beat and raped me. I’m only thankful he kept me alive. I could be dead right now. I wouldn’t even be here if he changed his mind about me, and I’ve seen that happen to other girls. Girls have been killed and left to rot because he didn’t see a use for them.

“Come here,” I hear him snap. When I look up, his eyes are locked with mine. He’s talking to me. I slowly stand from my chair and walk over, stopping in front of him.

“Tonight’s the night. You better have your shit together,” he tells me harshly.

“Can we talk about this?”

“No. I have work to do. Just know it all ends tonight,” Trek snarls as he starts to turn to walk away; I grab his arm. He looks at my hand and then follows my arm up until he’s looking at me once more.

“I wouldn’t be here. I wouldn’t be with you, Trek. That’s all I was saying.”

“And that means shit, Heidi. It’s like you’re thankful for the guy!”

“I hate him, Trek. More than you could know, but I’m glad to be alive! Don’t you fucking get that?” Something softens in his gaze, and I know it’s starting to sink in.

“I get that,” he says softly. I reach up and run my hand around the back of his neck, pulling his face to mine. I kiss him, and he lets me. I kiss the man like it may be the last time I ever get the chance. And maybe it is. Maybe something will go wrong. No, I can’t think like that. I have to be positive here. Everything is going to be fine.

“That changes nothin’,” he tells me before kissing me back. This time he takes over and takes the lead. His lips are hard on mine, and I savor every second of it. When he finally pulls away, Demon announces it’s time to go. I know more girls will be coming in, and I agreed to help Cheryl and Evie get everything ready for them.

“I need to help the girls,” I tell him. He nods his head, pressing his lips to my forehead.

“Be a good girl, and don’t give me shit when I get back,” he warns. A small smile breaks out across my face as I nod my head. He isn’t mad anymore. Or if he is, he isn’t letting on. Instead, he nods and turns to leave with the rest of the guys.

“Told you,” Evie reminds me with a little laugh.

“I wasn’t sure. I said things I shouldn’t have said,” I tell her.

“Yeah, we all do. They get over it. Let’s get the basement set up,” she says. I move to follow her to the door and down the steps when shots ring out. Before I know what’s happening, the prospects are shoving us through the basement door and slamming it closed behind us. We share a glance before Evie starts walking down the steps.

“What the hell was that?”

“That was something bad. That’s why we’re down here,” she says.

“You’re not worried?”

“They’ll be fine. They deal with this shit all the time,” she replies casually. How is she so calm about this? Someone was shooting at them? Down here, it’s silence. An eerie silence at that. I don’t know that I like it. I want to go back up there and check on Trek. I want to make sure he’s okay.

“It’s them,” Raven says softly.

“Who?” Cheryl asks.

“The assholes who had us. It has to be them,” she answers. I shake my head. There’s no way. They couldn’t have known about them. No. I refuse to believe that.

“How would they have known?” I ask, looking between the girls.

“I don’t know,” Evie says as she pulls out her cell and sends a message to someone. My insides tremble as I look between them. Cheryl and Evie look like this is just another day for them. My nerves are on edge. What if Raven is right? What if they are retaliating?

“This is my fault,” I say softly.

“No, it’s not. It’s no one’s fault. It could be a rival. We don’t know anything yet,” Evie tells me. She’s right. This might not have anything to do with what they did; it might be something else. Something they can handle because going up against a bunch of traffickers is dangerous. Fear inserts itself deep inside me. Trek could be hurt or worse. No, I can’t think that way. I have to stay positive.

The basement door is opened after what seems like forever, and Demon walks down the steps. He looks between Evie and me before lowering his gaze. What the hell is that about? What’s happening?

“Say it, Demon. I’m not a baby,” Evie says, trying to keep herself calm.

“They took them.”

“Who?” Cheryl blurts out.

“They took a prospect, Drake, and Trek.” My heart sinks in my chest.

“Who, Demon?” Cheryl asks again.

“From what we could tell? Victor.” His eyes now find mine, and my whole world sinks. I fall to my knees as Cheryl rushes over to me. Evie stands tall, keeping her head up, but I’m a fucking mess. I’m falling apart. They took him because of me. I know this is all because of me.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” I cry as I rest my head in my hands. Cheryl is rubbing my back when Evie clears her throat.

“This isn’t your fault. They chose to go in there,” Evie argues.

“Your husband was taken, and it’s all my fault,” I cry.

“Stop! It’s not your fault. Drake is strong. He’ll be fine. So is Trek. He has something to fight for now. You need to pull yourself together,” she says, but all I can do is fall apart. I can’t think straight. I can’t believe any of this is happening. I feel sick to my stomach.

“You can come back upstairs, but we’re lockin’ the clubhouse down,” Demon states. Cheryl helps me to my feet, and I watch Evie walk up the stairs and out of the basement.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper once more.

“This isn’t your fault,” Cheryl tells me again as she leads me up the steps and into the main room. There are guys everywhere with guns at the ready. The girls are all moving around quickly, and I’m here in stunned silence. Tears fall down my cheeks as I think about what could be happening to him right now.