Page 38 of Beck's Six


The sun was wellup in the sky by the time all the FBI and other government people finally left the Wind River Mountains. Every one of the Loyalists had been ferried off to a prison where they were sequestered while they were processed and questioned. Roman told Beck it would be a long time if ever before they saw the outside world again. The trucks had been driven off by explosives experts, and everyone with the Brotherhood Protectors had staggered off to get a few hours’ sleep.

Hank told everyone after a couple of hours to regroup they should report back to the main tent by one o’clock.

“Hopefully, you’ll all be coherent by then.” He’d grinned.

When everyone headed back to the tent, bleary-eyed but awake, they found a mouthwatering brunch spread: eggs, bacon, sausage, hot rolls, bagels, sliced veggies, a tasty spread of pastries, and all the coffee they could drink. That was always a necessity with everyone.

Hank gave them time to eat before he rose and stood at the mic he’d been using for the past few days.

“First of all, I want to thank each and every one of you for the great work you did yesterday. We had a tricky, dangerous situation none of you came here expecting and you all stepped up to the plate. The Loyalists are all safely locked away, awaiting trial, but they’ll never see the outside of prison again.”

“Good,” someone shouted. “I didn’t spend ten years fighting terrorists overseas to have them pop up in my backyard.”

Hank nodded. “I agree. I also found out what their target was, and I’m damn glad we caught them when we did.”

“So, was it Lakeport, like you thought?” someone else asked.

“Yes, and I’m damn glad we caught them before they could pull the trigger. Destroying Lakeport and killing the people who will be there would be close to a national disaster.”

“Well, shit.” Logan shook his head. “No wonder they painted a target on it.”

“Am I wrong,” Walker asked, “in saying the reason they don’t promote it is because of people exactly like the Loyalists? They don’t want to paint a target on it?”

Hank nodded. “You are exactly right. And we’re still identifying those Loyalists who are on site waiting to do their part. The celebration is proceeding as planned but with a huge military contingent to provide protection. Just in case.”

“So, where do we go from here, Hank?” Logan asked. “And will the women you introduced us to still be working with us?”

Hank exchanged grins with Roman.

“You know, I’m kind of a student of history, of all kinds. I’ve read a lot about Athena, the Olympian goddess of wisdom and war. In art, she’s generally depicted wearing a helmet and holding a spear. She was also a warrior goddess and was believed to lead soldiers into battle. In ancient Greek mythology, they often associated her with both warfare and wisdom as well as many other traits. Many refer to her as a protector or a patron of major cities such as Athens. She is known most specifically for her strategic skill in warfare and is often portrayed as a companion of heroes.”

“That’s all great,” Leo put in, “but what does that have to do with us?”

“I’ve been playing with the idea of a new offshoot of Brotherhood Protectors. We get cases where we don’t always need a group of people. In fact, the fewer, the better. And if it’s a man and woman combination, it opens the door to unlimited possibilities, including spycraft. So…”

“Don’t tease,” Beck shouted. “Let’s have it.”

“After a great deal of thought, I am extending an invitation to Rebecca Morrissey, Melody Boyd, Cygny Devoy, Victoria Cross, and Fay Clayton to join our new division, The Athena Team. That includes Leslie Morrissey who, if she accepts, will be the office staff for that group.”

“Oh my God!”

Beck jumped up and threw her arms around Roman. Then she looked at Hank. “Thank you so much. You won’t be sorry.”

“I’m counting on it,” he told her. “As soon as we’re done here, we need to get you all to Fool’s Gold, Colorado. You’ll be headquartered with the group there. And, Leslie, we’ve got a desk just waiting for you.”

They spent some time discussing the details of getting to Colorado and what they’d need to do about living quarters. The women thanked Beck profusely for setting it up and Hank for creating the group. Then, by ones and twos, people wandered away. Hank had announced they’d be cutting the week short, but he’d be setting a similar training seminar up again, and they’d all get notice of it.

Beck was still sitting with Roman, wondering if they would have some alone time before they all left the mountains. Had he meant the things he’d alluded to? Did he have feelings for her? She was thoroughly confused.

“Four years is a long time not to see someone,” he told her in a soft voice. “I’ve missed the hell out of you, Beck.”

She shrugged. “Last time, you made it very plain you were a once-and-done kind of guy.”

“My bad.” He shrugged. “One more stupid thing I did because my ideas were all wrong.” He studied her face. “And because I didn’t realize how fucking much I’d miss you.” He took one of her hands. “Come with me, Beck. Let’s see if we can pick up and move forward the way we should have four years ago.”

She nibbled on her lower lip, trying to decide if it was worth it putting herself out there again when she still had no assurances from Roman.

“Give me a chance,” he persisted, “I promise you won’t regret it.”